The Kagyu school traces its origin toMarpawho transmitted the teachings of 11th century Bengali “Mahasiddha”Tilopa, and his studentsNaropaandMaitripa, into Tibet. Marpa became the teacher of the yogiMilarepa. It is through these early teachers that the foundations of Kagyu were formed. The cent...
. . in Bengali and Sanskrit...Paulette had learned a good deal of Latin from her father, while also absorbing Indian languages" ([32], p. 118). These early experiences play a big role in shaping Paulette's social attitude along empathic lines. However, like her father, she becomes an ...
The island of Bombay, designated by the natives “Mambai,” received its name from the goddess Mamba, in Mahrati Mahima, or Amba, Mama, and Amma, according to the dialect, a word meaning, literally, the Great Mother. Hardly one hundred years ago, on the site of the modern esplanade, ...
Moreover, once Narendra's English college teacher in his lecture had told the class to visit Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa at Dakshineswar to know the exact meaning of the word 'trance', for Sri Ramakrishna often went into that state of super conscious Samadhi. Accordingly, in the November of ...