The largest mangrove forest in the world, the Sundarbans, meaning "beautiful forest" in Bengali, has never got the recognition it deserves. 24. 25kb 一位相对默默无闻的记者如何写出了一本在全世界热卖的畅销书? And how does a book by a relatively unknown journalist end up as an international...
They who don’t know the beauty of simplification, of pruning away the unnecessary, die without ever comprehending the true meaning of life. — Young-ha Kim 2 Beauty, however, must here be understood in its original meaning: as the glow of the true and the good irradiating from every or...
I knew of one Bengali restaurant in Vilnius but it closed down. As there is no local Bengali community (save for a few people), it is not enough to support a Bengali restaurant, while Lithuanian people are not used to the Bengali cuisine and thus didn’t go there in large enough ...
in their own homelands while in Lithuania they are lower. These beggars have invented stories which they could tell in multiple languages. Take note thatLithuania is richer than most of the world; there is an effective social security system and malnutrition is unheard of, so the common sob ...
40kb The largest mangrove forest in the world, the Sundarbans, meaning "beautiful forest" in Bengali, has never got the recognition it deserves. 孙德尔本斯,世界上最大的红树林,孟加拉语为“美丽的森林”,从来没有得到应有的承认。 3. 41kb "The Hungry tide", his previous work, drew plaudits...
By default, it is set to 0, meaning prefixes are not allowed. Prefixes allow for wildcard searching by wordstart* wildcards. For example, if the word "example" is indexed with min_prefix_len=3, it can be found by searching for "exa", "exam", "examp", "exampl", as well as ...
Analyzes the history of Kali's tongue in Hindu mythology, philosophy, and ritual, the meanings of the extended tongue in the secret visions and ecstatic acts of Ramakrishna, and argues that Tantra gives structure and meaning to the latter. Assumptions that problems of Kali's and Ramakrishna's ...
As there is no local Bengali community (save for a few people), it is not enough to support a Bengali restaurant, while Lithuanian people are not used to the Bengali cuisine and thus didn’t go there in large enough numbers. Many South Asian restaurants closed this way, however, there ...
There is only in China that the tablet introduces the literary into architecture. 2. 20kb 有意思的是他们都把文学的意义看作理所当然。 It's very interesting that they all just sort of take meaning for granted. 3. 38kb 同时,罗伯-格里耶早期的写物理论也存在着把文学的客观真实性推到极端...
He also read Macbeth to me, first explaining the text in Bengali, and then confining me to the school room till I had rendered the day's reading into Bengali verse. 他也读莎剧《麦克白》给我听,先用孟加拉文解释了课文,然后把我关在课室里,直到我把当天所读的都翻译成孟加拉诗文为止。 8. 28k...