您可以为已知控制器类型和Controller Template创建预定义控制器映射配置,并在运行时或分配兼容的操纵杆时加载映射。控制器的预定义映射是在 Rewired Editor中创建的。如果创建了用户控制分配界面,用户就可以为任何操纵杆或控制器自定义控制器映射。(有关信息,请参阅Creating a Controller Mapping screen)。多个映射表是...
Controller JoyconLib - Joy-Con library UnityRawInput - Windows Raw Input wrapper Unity-XboxCtrlrInput - Xbox 360 controller library InputBinder - Easily bind input events to methods Joystick MovableJoystick - Movable Joystick Simple_Joystick_Unity - A simple joystick UniJoystick - It is a powerfu...
Change Positive Button to "joystick button 0". It would have said "space" before that. Button 0 is the "A" button on Xbox 360 controller. Now that we have all the basic input settings handled, we can go back and look at some of those values. the Unity documentation sums...
UNITY CONTROLLER MAPPING XBOX 360 CONTROLLER (MAC) D-pad up: button 5 D-pad down: button 6 D-pad left: button 7 D-pad right: button 8 start: button 9 back: button 10 left stick(click): button 11 right stick(click): button 12 left bumper: button 13 right bumper: button 14 center...
Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers.
利用立方体纹理实现简单的反射、折射以及菲涅尔反射效果 立方体纹理(Cubemap)是环境映射(Environment Mapping)的一种实现方法。环境映射可以让物体看起来像镀了层金属一样反射周围的环境。立方体纹理一共包含六张图像,对应了一个立方体的六个面。采样的时候,给出一个三维坐标,由这个三维坐标确定一个方向向量。这个向量延...
Unity简单的用户界面是层级式的综合开发环境,具备视觉化编辑、详细的属性编辑器和动态的游戏预览特性。由于其强大的综合编辑特性,因此,Unity也被用来快速地制作游戏或者开发游戏原型。 图形引擎 Unity的图形引擎使用的是Direct 3D(Windows)、OpenGL(Mac,Windows)和自由的APIs(Wii),可以支持Bump mapping、Reflection mapping...
Unity的图形引擎使用的是DirectX 12、Vulkan和自有的APIs(Wii),可以支持Bump Mapping、Reflection Mapping、Parallax Mapping、Screen Space Ambient Occlusion、动态阴影所使用的Shadow Map技术与Render-to-Texutre和全屏Post Processing效果。 资源导入 项目中的资源会被自动导入,并根据资源的改动自动更新。虽然很多主流的...
XboxCtrlrInput for Unity : A wrapper that handles Xbox 360 controller input. It’s used in the same way as Unity’s Input class. INSPIRATION / INTERESTING: Archive.org : Incredible collection of collections – the NASA sound library below came from this. Game Development : Awesome set of...
Documentation The GamepadInfo structure is used to specify which controller you are interested in, with an index (0 = all controllers, 1-4 = specific controller) and a type that is used to find the correct mapping. Languages C#100.0%