最近使用unity2018.4.21f1 接入 firebase_unity_sdk_6.15.2的推送,打包到Android studio中,使用Android studio中发布apk 1.第一次是忘记了在 build.gradle 中加入库的依赖造成了这个bug,别关心我注释的地方,是…
In My project , I use UPM import Firebase SDKs, then, build for android, but error (Please list the full steps to reproduce the issue. Include device logs, Unity logs, and stack traces if available.) Steps to reproduce: Have you been able to reproduce this issue with just the Firebase...
Firebase 的Unity依赖库,会根据项目的应用目标平台去下载对应的依赖包。 比如说“firebase-analytics-unity-6.15.0.aar”、“firebase-app-unity-6.15.0.aar”这一些。 我们游戏项目工程目标是 armv8和armv7的,但是我是用一个测试工程(目标平台是armv7)来导入Firebase的这些依赖库,然后复制到游戏工程里使用的。 然...
然而这才刚刚开始…使用IL2CPP打包成uwp工程后,又出现了第二个坑,使用该库进行http请求时,unity的Debug控制台报错DllNotFoundException:Unable to load DLL 'advapi32.dll':The specified module could not be found,看样子这个库使用了P/Invoke链接了win32 API,但是为什么无法加载advapi32.dll?这是UWP通用应用的...
2、Failed to load 'Assets/Plugins/xxx.dll', expected x64 architecture, but was x86 architecture. You must recompile your plugin for x64 architecture. 将CPU选择.dll对应的CPU 3、System.EntryPointNotFoundException:Unable to find an entry point ...
DllNotFoundException:Unableto loadDLL'tolua':Thespecifiedmodulecouldnotbe found. 旧版本tolua没有64的库,需要升级tolua。github下载最新的tolua-runtime,把里面的arm64-v8a下的libtolua拷贝到项目中。 替换最新的64位lua文件后,运行apk报错: LuaException: tolua.lua: cannot load incompatible bytecode ...
DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'xlua': The specified module could not be found. at XLua.LuaDLL.Lua.xlua_get_lib_version () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at XLua.LuaEnv..ctor () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 ...
Script compilation errors can cause secondary errors within your project. For example, if ascripted importerin your project is unable to load because of compilation errors, your assets might import in an incorrect state. Safe Mode is designed to help you avoid all of these problems. ...
application code (the OS needs to load and keep your application code in RAM, but some of it might be discarded if really needed) native heap (used by the engine to store its state, your assets, etc. in RAM) managed heap (used by your Mono runtime to keep C# or JavaScript objects)...
Force InternalForce the application to be installed to internal memory. The user will be unable to move the app to external storage. Internet AccessChoose whether to always add the networking (INTERNET) permission to theAndroid App Manifest, even if you aren’t using any networking APIs. Set ...