针对你遇到的“unity commandinvokationfailure: unable to install apk to device. please make”错误,这里有几个可能的原因和相应的解决方案。根据你提供的参考信息和给出的提示,我们可以从以下几个方面进行排查和解决: 1. 检查Unity版本与设备兼容性
Unity打包安卓报错 错误信息如下:CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to install APK to device. Please make sure the Android SDK is installed and is properly configured in the editor 原因是手机上已经有了对应的app了,把手机上的卸载掉,在build&run就行...
两个错误信息的详细描述如下: Installationfailedwiththe followingoutput:pkg:/data/local/tmp/Package.apkFailure[INSTALL_FAILED_PERMISSION_MODEL_DOWNGRADE]5194KB/s (24217926bytesin4.553s)UnityEditor.HostView:OnGUI() UnityException: Unable toinstallAPK! Installation failed. See the Console for details. Unit...
brew install android-platform-tools 2,用usb连接手机,在设备的设置中的开发者选项中找到此选项,并确保 "USB 调试" 和 "允许通过 USB 安装应用程序" 选项都已启用。 3,安装apk到手机。 adb install path_to_apk_file.apk 或者传输apk到Android的Download文件夹,然后自己手动安装 adb push path_to_apk_file....
PyQt调用unity 打包ab包 pyqt打包成apk 一、安装运行环境 Anaconda(这里包含了Qt Designer、PyUIC5、PyRCC5) PyCharm(激活) Pyinstaller(pip install pyinstaller 或者 pip3 install pyinstaller) PyQt5 (pip install pyqt5 或者 pip3 install pyqt5) Qt Designer:Qt设计师,设计界面...
“一个问题的解决是为了更好的迎接下一个问题的出现”——鲁迅 解决方案1:把项目中依赖的ButterKnife降级到8.4.0 解决方案2:把gradle plugin版本降低至2.3.3 重新编译下就可以了...--- 2、Unable to resolve dependency for: 出现了Unable to resolve dependency for:这个问题 第一眼看这个错的时候我以为...
The IP adress is correct, i can reach the device via ping on cmd If I run "Install Device APK" from Unity with Wifi Connection enabled, the opened command line logs out: - waiting for device - Obviously i don't get a device with "adb devices" shown. ...
install -r -d "2.8.5-475.apk" adb: failed to install 2.8.5-475.apk: Failure [INSTALL...
The user will be unable to move the app to external storage. Internet Access Choose whether to always add the networking (INTERNET) permission to the Android App Manifest, even if you aren’t using any networking APIs. Set to Require by default for development builds. Auto Only add the ...
adb 命令安装Unity apk遇到问题:adb: failed to install Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Failed to parse /data/app/vmdl1590213674.tmp/base.apk: Corrupt XML binary file 解决历程。在网上直接粘贴问题没有找到有效的解决方案。