确保你使用的是sprite着色器,并且你的tilemap纹理压缩设置为Point。你也可以尝试在Edit>Project Settings>...
点slice,再apply即可,会出现9个sprite,是分割好的瓦片: 二、rule tiles 在rule tiles文件夹里新建一个ruletile 选择精灵素材: 添加tiling rules: 选择切割好的精灵中的一个(九个的操作都一样),根据选择的精灵来设置规则,如,以下精灵,上面不能放图片,左边不能放图片,下面和右边可以放,于是设置如下(点一下是绿...
1.如下图所示,在层次窗口中,选择2D object-Tilemap 这样,将会建立网格和子结点,贴片地图。我们将地图分为一个一个网格,并在上面放上类似瓷砖。 3.建立一个新的瓷砖 在工程窗口中,Assets > Art,右击新建一个文件夹,名为Tiles。双击打开它,右击Create > Tile,新建一个Tile,名为FirstTile。 从图上可以看到,有...
public void SetTiles (Vector3Int[] positionArray, TileBase[] tileArray); 参数 positionArray Tilemap 上的瓦片的位置数组。 tileArray 要放置的 Tiles 的数组。 描述 在tile map 中对应单元格的给定 XYZ 坐标处,设置 tiles 的数组。 // Fills tilemap area with checkerboard pattern of tileA and ...
public void RefreshAllTiles (); 説明 Refreshes all Tiles in the Tilemap. The Tilemap will retrieve the rendering data, animation data and other data for all tiles and update all relevant components. Refer to Scriptable Tiles and Tilemap for more information. Did you find this page useful?
public Tilemap tilemap; public TileBase grassTile; public TileBase waterTile; public void RenderMap(MapData mapData) { for (int x = 0; x < mapData.mapTiles.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mapData.mapTiles.GetLength(1); y++) { ...
ST2U TileProperties - SuperTiled2Unity Example of Retrieving Custom Properties from Tiles. PixelRenderUnity3D - PixelRender is a complete system for realtime rendering of 3D scenes as 2D pixel art in Unity3D. OnionRingUnity - Auto 9 slice sprite generator. 2D_IsoTilemaps - This is an examp...
• Built for 3D rendering. Can't be used with the 2D Renderer or Tilemaps • Planar reflections are disabled in VR • Not ideal for planetary rendering (texture seams would be unavoidable) ➕Available extension assets: Underwater Rendering, seamless waterline rendering and underwater fog ...
public override void GetTileData(Vector3Int position, ITilemap tilemap, ref TileData tileData) { UpdateTile(position, tilemap, ref tileData); } /// <summary> /// Checks the orthogonal neighbouring positions of the tile and generates a mask based on whether the neighboring tiles are the ...