IL2CPP: Fixed leak of internal thread objects that could manifest in a pause on player exit. (UUM-607) IL2CPP: Fixed performance issues in metadata access with thread contention. (UUM-609) IL2CPP: Throw an exception from Buffer.BlockCopy when the destination array has a non-primitive elem...
Install the x86_64 version of Homebrew if you don't already have it. /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" Make sure the brew command is on your path: which brew If this command does not print /usr/local/bin/brew, you sho...
Most of the core functionality of the Unity Engine is written in C++ and has already been compiled to native code. This compiled engine code is part of what we install when we install Unity. Code compiled to CIL, such as our source code, is known as managed code. When managed code is...
Using Unity UI, how do I fix a "layout rebuild while already inside layout rebuild loop" error? The Dialogue System seems to control cursor lock and visibility. How do I regain manual control? Does the Dialogue System support Unity's new Input System? Cutscene Sequences & Delivering Dialogue...
Auth: Linking a credential with a provider that has already been linked now produces an error. Auth (iOS): Fixed crashes in FirebaseUser.LinkAndRetrieveDataWithCredential() and FirebaseUser.ReauthenticateAndRetrieveData(). Auth (iOS): Fixed photo URL never returning a value on iOS. Auth (Andr...
You can block the current thread to wait for the completion of an asynchronous operation. Doing so can introduce performance problems and frame rate hitches. See Using operations synchronously. 译:你可以阻塞当前线程以等待异步操作的完成。这样做可能会引入性能问题和帧速率卡顿。请参阅使用同步操作 ...
After that, we switch back to the main thread. And now all Unity functions are available to us again. For example, as in this case, disabling a game object, which was not possible to do without the main thread. Conclusion In conclusion, the new Awaitable class introduced in Unity 2023.1...
InputAudioBufferStartedResponse: Sent by the server when in server_vad mode to indicate that speech has been detected in the audio buffer. This can happen any time audio is added to the buffer (unless speech is already detected). The client may want to use this event to interrupt audio pla...
// Assume this reference has been assigned in the editor. [SerializeField] private GameObject _zombie; void Start() { // Create a new instance of that game object. This can be // a prefab from your project or object already in scene. Instantiate(zombie, transform...
If you do not add this permission, you will not be able to read the Google advertising ID even if the user has not opted out of sharing their ID. The Google advertising ID can only be read in a background thread. If you call the method getGoogleAdId of the Adjust instance with an...