Rect Transform 下一行英文“Some values driven by Canvas” ——Canvas驱动一些值。 Canvas Render Mode ——Screen Space-Overlay--(屏幕空间-覆盖) Screen Space-Overlay 此设置时,Canvas会填满整个屏幕,并将Canvas下面所有的UI元素置于屏幕的最上层,Canvas将一直覆盖场景中普通的3D GameObject。 被遮挡的unitychan ...
当Canvas出现【Some values driven by Canvas】,rect属性值获取可能延时,可在协程中等待: private void Start() { uiObj_rectTransform = uiObj.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); StartCoroutine(GetRectSize()); } IEnumerator GetRectSize() { float obj_width = uiObj_rectTransform.rect.size.x; float obj_hei...
1、可以修改Game的分辨率,Canvas默认大小是根据分辨率来的 2、修改Canvas的Render Mode 可是有什么需求会...
1、可以修改Game的分辨率,Canvas默认大小是根据分辨率来的 2、修改Canvas的Render Mode 可是有什么需求会...
These are some main highlights of Unity 6.Boost rendering performance Elevate your scenes with scalable, captivating visuals using the latest advances in rendering, lighting, and visual effects. Multiplayer game creation Simplify multiplayer game creation with Unity’s multiplayer packages and services ...
configuredInWorldSpace If enabled, all Target values will be calculated in world space instead of the object's local space. highAngularXLimit Boundary defining upper rotation restriction, based on delta from original rotation. linearLimit Boundary defining movement restriction, based on distance from ...
Unity Safe Area Canvas - An asset for adjusting the size automatically and preview in Editor. EncodeToTGA - Texture2D.EncodeToTGA (Unity) PickleBuilder - A Steam enabled multi-platform build tool for Unity. Unity ScriptableObjects Game Events - Receive Update callback(s) from anywhere and in...
SafeValues- A simple Unity library for cheating prevention Art Tools Asset Bundle Audio Manager Bolt Bolt.Addons.Community- A community-driven project for extending Unity Bolt Build Tools and CI Camera Character Controllers 2D CharacterController2D- is similar to the built-in Unity CharacterController...
There are various ways to tween values in Unity, including free third-party libraries such as iTween. Figure 1 shows some manual ways to move an object in Unity. Note that for simplicity, they haven’t been optimized (to do so, I’d hold a reference to the ...
Driven properties are controlled by script and can't be set manually in the Inspector. They also always serialize as zero, to avoid merge conflicts. The drivenProperties are specified through the DrivenRectTransformTracker. The driven mask values for PositionZ, Rotation, and Scale are not yet ...