FileStream stream = new FileStream("C:\\Users\\Jing\\Desktop\\11.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write ,FileShare.None); XmlSerializer xmlserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(string)); xmlserializer.Serialize(stream, strobj); stream.Close(); FileStream readstream = new FileStream("C:\\Us...
public class A : ISerializeReader { public override void Deserialized<TDeserializeFunction>(TDeserializeFunction serializeFunc) { serializeFunc.Deserialized(); } } 当我们加载完ab包的时候,我们会获得一个AssetBundle的对象,然后我们通过这个对象获得资产的时候,底层就会实例化出来相应的对象同时触发类似的反序列化...
SerializeClass<ClassToSerialize> serialClass = new SerializeClass<ClassToSerialize>(); ClassToSerialize example1 = new ClassToSerialize() { id = 22, name = "xsy", Sex = "男" }; serialClass.SerializeNow(example1); ClassToSerialize example2 = serialClass.DeSerializeNow(); Console.WriteLine("...
[Serializable] public classNode{ // This field must use serialize reference so that serialization can store // a reference to anotherNodeobject, or null. By-value // can never properly represent this sort of self-referencing structure. [SerializeReference] publicNodem_Next = null; ...
首先看`public MyClass m1`,它的类型是`MyClass`,属于“没有标记`[Serializable]`属性的类”,不满足类型规则;它的字段是`public`,满足字段规则;系统要求两条规则同时满足的对象才能序列化,于是它被跳过了。 接下来看`public MyClassSerializable s1`,它的类型是`MyClassSerializable`,属于标记了`[Serializable]`属...
Xml.Serialization;[System.Serializable]publicclassTestSerilize{//XmlAttribute 这个是序列化标签,有这些标签才能序列化[XmlAttribute("ID")]publicintID{get;set;}[XmlAttribute("Name")]publicstringName{get;set;}[XmlElement("GradeList")]//也可用[][XmlArray("GradeList")]publicList<int>GradeList{get;...
// e.g. We have a manager for items in our game. It handles saving and loading from a database.// We instead want to write out just the `Id` of the item we have.classItemAdapter:IBinaryAdapter<Item> {voidIBinaryAdapter<Item>.Serialize(in BinarySerializationContext<Item> context, Item...
public void OnBeforeSerialize() { keys = new List<TKey>(target.Keys); values = new List<TValue>(target.Values); } public void OnAfterDeserialize() { var count = Math.Min(keys.Count, values.Count); target = new Dictionary<TKey, TValue>(count); ...
1、CAN serialize public nonstatic fields (of serializable types) 可以序列化公有的非静态域(序列化类型的) 2、CAN serialize nonpublic nonstatic fields marked with the [SerializeField] attribute. 可以序列化非公有非静态域用[SerializeField]属性标记。
Unity has aPropertyDrawerclass you can extend to control how a type is displayed in the inspector. ThePropertyDrawerfor an interface or generic type will be ignored. When we want to Serialize the Interface,What we can do? Unity, by itself, does not expose fields that are of an interface ty...