Serializable: Make a class Serializable so it will be visible in the inspector. [System.Serializable] public class MyClass { public int myInt = 10; public Color myColor = Color.white; } Other RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod: Calls a method once before or after the first scene has loaded. Good...
要实现 ISerializable,需要实现 GetObjectData 方法以及一个特殊的构造函数,在反序列化对象时要用到此构造函数。以下代码示例说明了如何在前一部分中提到的 MyObject 类上实现 ISerializable。 [Serializable] public class MyObject : ISerializable { public int n1; public int n2; public String str; public MyOb...
The following example creates a custom PlayerStats struct and gives it the [Serializable] attribute, which makes it serializable. It then creates a private field of type PlayerStats, and applies the [SerializeField] attribute to it, to make it show up in the Inspector. ...
在unity序列化class或一个struct的实例需要在这个struct或类前加上[Serializable] // PlateCompleteVisual.cs中 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class PlateCompleteVisual : MonoBehaviour { [Serializable] public struct KitchenObjectSO_GameObject { public KitchenObjectSO ...
Here's a copy of the script (for Unity use), to make your life easier: Download Given the serializable class: [System.Serializable] publicclassSimpleClass { publicintx; publicinty; publicintz; } and the situation: // where you can change the value inside the inspector ...
[Serializable] class Trouble { public Trouble t1; public Trouble t2; public Trouble t3; } It wouldn’t be strange to expect 1 allocation: That of theTestGameObject. It also wouldn’t be strange to expect 2 allocations: One for theTestGameObject and one for aTroubleGameObject. ...
[Serializable] class Trouble { public Trouble t1; public Trouble t2; public Trouble t3; } 如果答案是1的话不奇怪,因为要给Test分配空间,如果答案是2的话也不奇怪,一个给Test一个给Trouble。正确的答案是729。序列化器不支持null。如果它序列一个对象并且一个域为空,我们将会按照类型创建一个新的对象并初始...
[System.Serializable]publicclassRunTimeGameData {publicintgameStatus =0;publicfloatgameStartCountDown =3f;publicboolokToShoot =true;publicintround =0;publicintpoint =0;publicinttrials =0;publicintufoToToss =20;publicinthighscore =0; } 游戏初始化的思路是:获取本地游戏计划->获取远程游戏计划(等待)-...
How to make Delegates/Events survive assembly reload? 以上方法使用简单,通常也能满足日常需求。除此之外,还有一些Unity序列化失败不是因为类型本身,而是因为不支持的语法特性,比如空引用、多态。 先说说空引用。有两个Serializable的类:A、B。类A中有一个类B对象的空引用。当Unity在对A进行序列...
usingUnityEngine;usingOdinSerializer;publicclassYourSpeciallySerializedScriptableObject:ScriptableObject,ISerializationCallbackReceiver{[SerializeField,HideInInspector]privateSerializationDataserializationData;voidISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize(){// Make Odin deserialize the serializationData field's content...