#if UNITY_REVERSED_Z real depth = SampleSceneDepth(screenPos); #else // Adjust Z to match NDC for OpenGL ([-1, 1]) real depth = lerp(UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE, 1, SampleSceneDepth(screenPos)); #endif float3 worldPos = ComputeWorldSpacePosition(screenPos, depth, UNITY_MATRIX_I_VP); ret...
如果不勾选Customize Export Root Directory Name(自定义导出目录名称),默认的资源目录名称为插件按“LayaScene_+场景名”这个规则自动生成。比如我们的场景名为AAA,那么最终导出的资源全路径实际为E:/Game/3D/LayaScene_AAA。 3.3.3 场景导出与预设导出的区别 Scene3D与Sprite3D分别是场景导出的配置项和预设导出的配...
Previously, Unity had one physics Scene that was populated with all the bodies and colliders from all of your Unity Scenes. Starting in Unity 2018 LTS, you can split physics across Scenes. In this tutorial, you'll learn the basics of creating and loading
Can I use Unity for AR development? Unity is commonly utilized for AR development, with robust support for AR platforms. The book “Complete Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Development with Unity” is an excellent resource for learning about AR development with Unity....
Resources: You can load Assets on-demand from a script instead of creating instances of Assets in a Scene for use in gameplay. You do this by placing the Assets in a folder called Resources Standard Assets: When you import a Standard Asset package the Assets are placed in a folder called...
选择要展开的图像 The newly added Terrain in the Scene view.创建地形也会将相应的Terrain Asset添加到“Project”窗口。 选择要展开的图像 The New Terrain Asset in the Project window您的地形是一大块平面。在“Hierarchy”窗口中选中Terrain GameObject后,“Inspector”中将出现Terrain工具。
Scene basics (e.g. menu and game play scenes): LEGO® Mod: Customize the menushttps://learn.unity.com/tutorial/lego-mod-customize-menus?projectId=5f3cfedbedbc2a002093abe3 Skybox and fogs: LEGO® Mod: Change the moodhttps://learn.unity.com/tutorial/lego-mod-change-mood?projectId=5f3...
1.游戏逻辑大概流程图 这样一整理,游戏的逻辑就比较清晰了 首先是场景的加载 a.进入场景Scene后,会开始创建游戏精灵Sprite。打上断点,调用脚本的顺序依次是TutorialInfo.cs -> Player.cs -> Loader.cs b.其中最重要的Loader.cs创建时会调用**函数Awake()创建游戏管理类GameManager和声音管理类SoundManage... ...
ShadowVolume - Shadow Volume for Static-Scene-Object of Unity. Brunetons Improved Atmospheric Scattering - Unity port of Brunetons improved atmospheric scattering. PointCloudLoader - A Point Cloud loading utility for Unity. PlannarShadowForUnity - Planar Shadow is very cheap and useful for mobile...