AssetBundle.Load(name): 从AssetBundle读取一个指定名称的Asset并生成Asset内存对象,如果多次Load同名对象,除第一次外都只会返回已经生成的Asset 对象,也就是说多次Load一个Asset并不会生成多个副本(singleton)。 Resources.Load(path&name):同上,只是从默认的位置加载。 Instantiate(object):Clone 一个object的完整结构...
AssetImporter assetImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(_assetPath); string assetName = _assetPath2.Substring(_assetPath2.IndexOf("/") +1); assetName = assetName.Replace(Path.GetExtension(assetName),".unity3d"); //Debug.Log (assetName); assetImporter.assetBundleName = assetName; } staticstringRe...
UnityAssetCleaner will remove unused assets, script and shader in your game and projects. ##how to use select menu/window/delete unused assets/unused by editor. editor lists unused assets from your game. if you do not want to delete it, you can uncheck it. ...
SerializedObject graphicsSettings =new SerializedObject (AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath ("ProjectSettings/GraphicsSettings.asset") [0]); SerializedProperty it = graphicsSettings.GetIterator (); SerializedProperty dataPoint; while (it.NextVisible(true)) { if ( =="m_AlwaysIncludedShaders") { it...
已新增在儲存時自動重新整理 Unity 資產資料庫的支援。 此功能預設會啟用,且在 Visual Studio 中儲存指令碼時,會觸發在 Unity 端的重新編譯。 您可以在 [工具]\\[選項]\\[Tools for Unity]\\[儲存時重新整理 Unity 的 AssetDatabase] 中停用此功能。錯誤...
获取Asset Store 最新资讯 输入电子邮件地址 China 除了Asset Store 的资讯之外,我同意由 Unity 向我发送营销活动信息,并通过电子邮件和社交媒体接收来自 Unity 的营销和促销信息。 选择“注册”按钮即表示您同意Unity 隐私政策(韩国居民同意Unity 收集和使用个人信息)。
UnityAssetCleaner will remove unused assets, script and shader in your game and projects. ##how to use select menu/window/delete unused assets/unused by editor. editor lists unused assets from your game. if you do not want to delete it, you can uncheck it. select "Exclude from project...
放入unity编辑器后,右键创建TMP-Font Asset 中文生效。 其他 Window-Package Manager-My Assets-Import 弹窗报错 This Unity Package has Package Manager dependencies. 新创建一个项目,重复上述步骤,import后弹窗点击install开始下载修复。。又弹窗提示 This project is using the new input system package but the nat...
Remove all remaining Asset Store plugin folders and files in Assets/Plugins/UnityPurchasing from your project.\n\nPACKAGE DESCRIPTION:\n\nWith Unity IAP, setting up in-app purchases for your game across multiple app stores has never been easier.\n\nThis package provides:\n\n ▪ One common...
然后AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath 方法获取脚本保存路径 varso=ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MyObject>();varscript=MonoScript.FromScriptableObject(so);UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(so);varscriptPath=AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(script); 虽然步骤不多,但是看上去也是挺麻烦的呢 ...