不用管它,在软件打开之后点击File——>Open Project...,在弹出的Unity-Project Wizard对话框中找到Project Location输入创建项目的文件夹地址,或者点击后面的Browse...选择一个文件夹地址(注:已创建Unity3D项目的文件夹,不能再当作新创建项目的文件夹来使用,否则会因无法找到文件而报错),然后在Improt the following ...
A new window should open, allowing you to configure your project. This tutorial uses the3D (URP)template, but the3D (HDRP)template will also work. Give your project a name and choose its file location. Then, pressCreate project. Your new project will open momentarily. Cesium for Unity work...
從Unity Project Explorer 操作與管理腳本。 在Visual Studio 的 [Navigate To] 視窗中進行整合。 剖析Info 控制台訊息,如此一來,在錯誤清單中點擊會帶您前往具有符號的第一個堆疊框架。 新增API,讓使用者參與項目產生。 新增API 以讓用戶參與 LogCallback。錯誤...
在虚幻 4 中使用 C++ 的最简单做法就是通过编辑器菜单为项目添加代码(Add Code To Project)(在主菜单的文件菜单中),或者直接用某个模板新建一个 C++ 项目。你可以在内容浏览器中直接找到 C++ 类,双击它们能直接在 Visual Studio 或 Xcode 中打开该文件。 从GameObjects 到 Actors GameObject 去哪里了? 在Unit...
(Very old SDKs) You may also need to delete PlayFab specific files in your {ProjectLocation}/assets/Plugins/ directory. Failing to do this step may cause compiler errors and/or unexpected runtime errors Unpack the .unitypackage file into your project. ...
1. 可以简单地拖拽.obj/.fbx文件到Unity编辑器Project视图的任意文件夹下。 2. 也可以在Project视图中单击鼠标右键,在弹出菜单中选择Import New Asset…选择.obj/.fbx文件并点击Import。 3. 或者直接点击菜单项Assets > Import New Assets… 导入资源。
locationScheme.AddString("xx"+menu.Location_AppKey); File.WriteAllText(plistPath, plist.WriteToString()); } } CopyAndReplaceIcon (path); } } static void CopyAndReplaceIcon (string projectPath) { string targetWXShareIconPath = projectPath + "/SDK/WX/res2.png"; ...
Load Previous Project on Startup 选中此框可始终在启动时加载上一个项目。 Compress Assets on Import 选中此框可在导入期间自动压缩资源。 OSX Color Picker (macOS) 选中此框可使用原生 macOS 拾色器而不是 Unity 自己的拾色器。 Disable Editor Analytics (Pro only) 选中此框可禁止 Editor 自动将信息发送...
Cache Folder Location 单击Browse 按钮可指定缓存的位置。 Cache compression This option enables Unity to compress datafiles in the GI cache to use less hard drive space. The datafiles are LZ4-compressed by default, and the naming scheme is a hash and a file extension. Unity computes the hashes...
An asset is representation of any item that can be used in your game or project. An asset may come from a file created outside of Unity, such as a 3D model, an audio file, an image, or any of the other types of file that Unity supports. There are also some asset types that can...