在脚本中,可以通过 ParticleSystem.main 访问这些参数。模块效果乘数每个模块都有一些特殊的乘数属性,利用这些属性,您可以在不编辑曲线本身的情况下更改曲线的整体效果。这些乘数属性全部以它们影响的曲线命名 - 例如,ParticleSystem.emission.rateMultiplier 控制 ParticleSystem.emission.rate 在给定系统中的整体效果。常量...
Scripting API UnityEngine UnityEngine.Advertisements UnityEngine.AI UnityEngine.Analytics UnityEngine.Animations UnityEngine.Apple UnityEngine.Assertions UnityEngine.Audio UnityEngine.CrashReportHandler UnityEngine.Events UnityEngine.EventSystems UnityEngine.Experimental UnityEngine.iOS UnityEngine.Networking Unity...
Custom2XYZW用于每个粒子的四个自定义值,由自定义数据模块或 ParticleSystem.SetCustomParticleData 定义。 NoiseSumX在粒子生命周期内的累积 X 轴噪声。 NoiseSumXY在粒子生命周期内的累积 X 和 Y 轴噪声。 NoiseSumXYZ在粒子生命周期内的累积 3D 噪声。
椭圆体粒子发射器(EPEs)是基本发射器,当你从Components->Particles->Particle System菜单选择增加一个粒子系统到你的场景时已经包含在其中。 Particle Emitters work in conjunction withParticle AnimatorsandParticle Renderersto create, manipulate, and display Particle Systems. All three Components must be present ...
and a Particle Renderer. You can use a Particle Emitter and Renderer together if you want static particles. The Particle Animator will move particles in different directions and change colors. You also have access to each individual particle in a particle system via scripting, so you can create...
meshCount用于粒子渲染的网格数。 minParticleSize钳制最小粒子大小。 normalDirection公告牌粒子法线朝向摄像机的程度。 pivot修改用于旋转粒子的轴心点。 renderMode如何绘制粒子。 shadowBiasApply a shadow bias to prevent self-shadowing artifacts. The specified value is the proportion of the particle size. ...
and a Particle Renderer. You can use a Particle Emitter and Renderer together if you want static particles. The Particle Animator will move particles in different directions and change colors. You also have access to each individual particle in a particle system via scripting, so you can create...
Scripting API UnityEngine UnityEditor Unity Other ParticleSystem.EmissionModule.rateOverTimeMultiplier public float rateOverTimeMultiplier ; Descripción Change the rate over time multiplier. This is more efficient than accessing the whole curve, if you only want to change the overall rate mul...
Scripting APIUnityEngine UnityEditor Unity Other ParticleSystem.ForceOverLifetimeModule.randomized public bool randomized ; Descripción When randomly selecting values between two curves or constants, this flag causes the system to choose a new random force on each frame....
The Particle Animator will move particles in different directions and change colors. You also have access to each individual particle in a particle system via scripting, so you can create your own unique behaviors that way if you choose. Please view the Particle Scripting Reference . The ...