OnCollisionExite:OnCollisionExit is called when this collider/rigidbody has stopped touching another rigidbody/collider. In contrast to OnTriggerExit, OnCollisionExit is passed theCollisionclass and not aCollider. TheCollisionclass contains information about contact points, impact velocity etc. If yo...
In contrast to OnTriggerExit, OnCollisionExit is passed the Collision class and not a Collider. The Collision class contains information about contact points, impact velocity etc. If you don't use collisionInfo in the function, leave out the collisionInfo parameter as this avoids unneccessary c...
OnTriggerExit OnTriggerExit is called when the Collider other has stopped touching the trigger. OnTriggerExit2D Sent when another object leaves a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only). OnTriggerStay OnTriggerStay is called once per frame for every Collider other that is touc...
OnTriggerStay - This function is called on every frame when another object has collided with the current game object. OnTriggerExit - This function is called once when an object exits the collision zone of the current object. private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider hit) { Debug.Log($"{gameObject...
OpenDoor(); } private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { doorManager.CloseDoor(); } } 0 4. 人物控制以及UDP接口 基于键鼠的任务控制 具体可参考(【Unity创作心得#11】第三人称自由视角与移动:一个比较完备的实现方法_哔哩哔哩_bilibili),关键代码如下: public class RobotManager : MonoBehaviour { ...
Total Callbacks The total number of OnCollisionEnter2D, OnCollisionStay2D, OnCollisionExit2D, OnTriggerEnter2D, OnTriggerStay2D and OnTriggerExit2D callbacks that were called in this frame. Total Joints The total number of any Joint2D that were present in this frame. Total Bodies The total number...
void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { if (entityInRange != null) entityInRange(other.gameObject.GetInstanceID(), gameObject.GetInstanceID(), false); } bool _targetInRange; } Remember the granularity of your EntityViews, entity components and implementors is completely discretional and up to you...
on_river = false; // “de-parents” the bunny bunny.transform.parent = null; } } function OnTriggerExit2D(other : Collider2D){ // subtract from log count when bunny leaves a log if (other.gameObject.tag == "log") { log_count--; ...
(gameObject.name + " just hit " + hit.name); } private void OnTriggerStay(Collider hit) { Debug.Log(gameObject.name + " is hitting " + hit.name); } private void OnTriggerExit(Collider hit) { Debug.Log(gameObject.name + " stopped hitting " + hit.name); } /* For 2D Colliders ...
物理碰撞还有情况的使用就是当事件触发器,在Collider Trigger属性勾选,那么Collider本身会触发这三个事件,其他Collider 不会触发OnCollisionEnter事件 OnTriggerEnter: OnTriggerEnter is called when the Colliderotherenters the trigger. OnTriggerExit:OnTriggerExit is called when the Colliderotherhas stopped touching th...