016 创建预制件(016 Creating a prefab) - 大小:10m 目录:016 创建预制件 资源数量:65,Unity3D_Unity3D,001 欢迎,002 你应该知道的,003 练习文件,004 建立项目概述,005 进口标准包装,006 创建播放器控制器,007 设定分辨率和质量,008 导入网格,009 导入纹理,010 导入动画,0
发现用于制作游戏的优质资源。从我们种类繁多的 2D、3D 模型、SDK、模板和工具目录中进行选择,加快您的游戏开发进程。
When an artist designs a character for animation (see Example 1), they would usually manually separate and arrange the different parts of the character (see Example 2). The PSD Importer can generate a Prefab that reassembles the Sprites in their original positions as arranged in the PSB source...
这时可以在 “Hierarchy”中复制相关对象树,暂停游戏后替换原来的,就可以了。(其实这个拷贝过程是序列化过程,这种方法是序列化到内存中;另外一种方法就是序列化到磁盘上,即把内容拖动到文件夹中变成prefab,效果也是一样的) 2)Layer的用法 LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"); // 通过名字获取layer 3D Raycast Raycas...
publicGameObject prefab; publicintinitailSize = 20; privateQueue<GameObject> m_pool =newQueue<GameObject>(); voidAwake() { for(intcnt = 0; cnt < initailSize; cnt++ ) { GameObject go = Instantiate( prefab )asGameObject; m_pool.Enqueue( go ); go.SetActive(false); ...
By the end of this lesson, you will have a new Unity project with a big empty room that you will experience in VR. This unit is part of the Create with VR course.
Unity stores lots of different types of information about your project, and some of these are saved in different ways to others. This means that when your work is saved depends on what kind of changes you are making.Of course, we recommend you save regularly, and use a Version Control ...
The Editor tooling that creates GameObjects should useObjectFactory.CreateGameObjectto make sure that the GameObject ends up in the Prefab Scene if a Prefab Asset is currently being edited in Prefab Mode. As a safety precaution, scripts with the [ExecuteInEditMode] attribute cause the Editor to ...
If you are using a retina display the green lines are extremely thin! Unity is looking into customisability or making the editor dpi sensitive to improve this 在本教程中,您将保持简单并使用Sphere Collider。 在Hierarchy window窗口中选择Spaceship,然后单击Inspector window中的Add Component按钮。 单击Phy...