例如如果需要不同的UI在屏幕上的各个位置布局,你应该在FairyGUI编辑器中创建一个全屏大小的组件,然后在里面放置各个子组件,再用关联控制布局;最后将这个全屏组件放置到Unity,将Fit Screen设置为Fit Size即可。错误的做法是把各个子组件放置到Unity里再布局。 HitTest Mode:这里可以设置UIPanel处理鼠标或触摸事件的方式。
Fade Gizmos Fade out and stop rendering gizmos that are small on screen. Selection Outline Check Selection Outline to display selected GameObjects with a colored outline, and their children with a different colored outline. By default, Unity highlights the selected GameObject in orange, and child ...
在Unity中,添加HUD样式的非剧情型UI相对简单,只需要在UI Canvas的Render Mode中选择使用Screen Space- Overlay或是Screen Space- Camera。 但这种UI界面对VR基本不适用,我们的眼镜无法聚焦在如此近的物体上,而Unity VR中根本就不支持Screen Space-Overlay。 Spatial UI(空间UI) 和前一种UI不同的是,我们需要将UI放...
7、将Menu.cs拖拽到 Menu场景中的Main Camera ,运行,显示三个按钮 8、在File -〉Build Setting,弹出“Build Setting”对话框,先将Menu场景拖拽到对话框,再将test场景拖拽到对话框,在对话框的右边显示两个场景的序号分别为0、1 9、在Menu.cs程序中,按下 "进入游戏"按钮时的处理程序中加入语句: 10、在Collisio...
This adds or removes the UNITY_NO_SCREENSPACE_SHADOWS shader compiler define. Prefer 32 bit shadow mapsEnable 32-bit float shadow map when you are targeting platforms that use DX11 or DX12. Most platforms have a fixed shadow map format that you can’t adjust. These vary in format, and can...
big - used to promote a package when the package is the primary item onscreen small - used to promote images in smaller box views icon - used for downloads and list views Total image dimensions are: big - 860 x 389 (live area 550 x 330) ...
aimed){ //没有瞄准时 29 Instantiate (machineGun.bullet, 30 firePoint.position, firePoint.rotation); //实例化一颗子弹 31 }else{ 32 Vector3 pos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint( //计算子弹生成点 33 new Vector3(Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2, Camera.main.nearClipPlane)); 34 Instantiate...
1. Main menu 14:14 2. Screen fade 15:16 3. End screen 05:45 4. Checkpoint 32:18 5. Lost currency ( souls ) save and and enemy's currency ( souls ) drop 22:44 1. Audio manager 16:34 2. Audio distannce limiter 05:43
zero, new Vector3(-1, 1, 1), 2f); //1.from 2.to 3.ScreenSpaceSize(屏幕空间大小)决定虚线长度 Handles.DrawDottedLine(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one, 2f); 3. Arc/Disc(弧线/圆环) 关键字:Handles.DrawWireArc,Handles.DrawSolidDisc 样例: 示例代码: Handles.color = new Color(1, 0, 0, ...
1. In the first scene of your game create an Empty GameObject and name it whatever you like, for reference I am going to name it as Splash Screen Holder, or perhaps, you can instead add it to the Main Menu scene as well.2. Add a Canvas component inside this empty gameobject i.e....