Resources.Load<Texture>(string.Format("{0}{1:D2}", mPrefix, 5)); 8、Tag VS. Layer Tag用来查询对象 Layer用来确定哪些物体可以被raycast,还有用在camera render中 9、旋转 transform.eulerAngles 可以访问 rotate的 xyz transform.RotateAround(pivotTransVector, Vector3.up, -0.5f * (tmp-preX) * sp...
打开任意 Unity 场景,然后为其创建一个新的空游戏对象 (GameObject),选择该游戏对象并在检视器 (Inspector) 中查看它的属性。 注意,即使是一个空的游戏对象 (GameObject),它仍然会包含一个名称(Name)、一个标签(Tag)和一个层(Layer)。另外,每个游戏对象(GameObject)还包含一个变换组件(Transform Component)。 (2...
有一些重要的、通用的属性,也直接定义在Entity中,比如唯一ID。 Unity的GameObject,还有供(物理、渲染)引擎内部使用的Layer属性,供Gameplay使用的Tag属性。 从上面的例子可以看出,ECS的功能是如此基础和重要,所以才说是Gameplay的必备要素。 Node-based Visual Scripting 状态机(Finite State Machine) 行为树(Behavior Tre...
有一些重要的、通用的属性,也直接定义在Entity中,比如唯一ID。 Unity的GameObject,还有供(物理、渲染)引擎内部使用的Layer属性,供Gameplay使用的Tag属性。 从上面的例子可以看出,EC的功能是如此基础和重要,所以才说是Gameplay的必备要素。 Entity Component System 以上,是典型的Object-Oriented EC。 随着《守望先锋》的...
UnityEngine.Debug.Log(gameObject.tag); //layer UnityEngine.Debug.Log(gameObject.layer); //胶囊的名称 UnityEngine.Debug.Log(; //胶囊当前真正的激活状态 UnityEngine.Debug.Log(Capsule.activeInHierarchy); //胶囊当前自身激活状态
Culling Mask 选择遮蔽层,简单来说,就是要照射的层Layer 阴影 Mesh Renderer下→Cast Shandows 声音 创建声音源 Hierarchy右键Audio→Audio Source Uinty 支持的音频文件格式 mp3 ogg wav aif mod s3m xm 声音分为2D 3D两类 3D声音: 有空间感,近大远小 ...
Take a quick look at the properties of the new GameObject and see that it has a name, tag, layer, and transform. These properties are common to all GameObjects. In addition, several components were attached to the Cube to provide needed functionality including mesh filter, box collider, and...
UniTask does not use threads and SynchronizationContext/ExecutionContext because Unity's asynchronous object is automaticaly dispatched by Unity's engine layer. It achieves faster and lower allocation, and is completely integrated with Unity.You can await AsyncOperation, ResourceRequest, AssetBundleRequest...
Work around an issue in Unity's scripting engine's network layer on Mavericks for remote discovery of editors. Handle new ports to discover remote Unity players. Reference the UnityEngine assembly specific to the current build target. Add setting to filter files to include in generated projects....
go.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); go.transform.parent = transform; go.transform.localScale=; Image image = go.AddComponent<Image>(); image.sprite = sprite; image.SetNativeSize(); } private Sprite loadSprite(string spriteName){ ...