To use a different scale, set the Scale Factor in the Import Settings when importing assets. UPM package: A Package managed by the Unity Package Manager. Audio terms Audio Clip: A container for audio data in Unity. Unity supports mono, stereo and multichannel audio assets (up to eight ...
The Asset Database keeps track of all the dependencies for each asset, and keeps a cache of the imported versions of all the Assets.An asset’s import dependencies include all the data that might influence the imported data. For example, the asset’s source file, the import settings of ...
For example, the TextureImporter API provides access to the settings used when importing individual texture Assets, such as PNG files. The result of the import process is one or more UnityEngine.Objects. These are visible in the Unity Editor as multiple sub-assets within the parent Asset, ...
Spine Assets Not WorkingUnity KKikekun Jul 24, 2020 Hello. We've been having an annoying issue for several weeks now that we thought was a Unity problem at first, but keeps happening after updating anyways and seeing that nobody has posted about this, makes us think the problem is on ou...
I first started getting this issue after updating to 2.2.2, by importing the new version into the project with the previous version still present. I then remove AVPro from the project (by just deleting /Assets/AVPro) and imported the 2.2.2 "fresh".I...
Using Git, clone this repository into the Assets/Cradle folder of your project (or add it to that folder as a Git submodule if your project is a Git repo itself). Importing a story The Cradle asset importer listens for any new .html or .twee files dropped into the project directory, an...
Preparing Humanoid Assets for export Limitations on importing Models into UnityUsing FBX files in other applicationsNote: This section provides information about proprietary file formats that use FBX conversion. However, there are two file formats that do not use FBX as an intermediary: SketchUp and ...
3.1.a In order to keep the process of importing packages as clean as possible, packages should be nested under a folder with either your publisher name, or package name as the title.3.1.b Assets should be properly sorted into folders with English titles depending on their type (Mesh/Script...
The new popup to that keeps trying to get you to accept the eulas is annoying, also I paid for the asset before the eula changes. Seems like a cashgrab for more money because of the popularity of their asset. I used to recommend this asset to everyone before but now I...
The last thing we have to do when it comes to the sun is to allow the player to collect it. We will need one global score that keeps track of how many suns were collected, and we will need to increase that score whenever the player clicks on a sun. ...