Family Prayer Blessing A short prayer suitable for sending as a blessing to a loved one in your family:- Family reunion prayer Father God, Thank you so much for bringing us all here together today. Thank you for the wonderful blessing of family. Thank you for the similarities we have and...
Prayer and worship are vital practices that strengthen family unity. Acts 2:42 describes the early church: "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." Families that engage in regular prayer and worship together cultivate a ...
HAVE QUESTIONS? NEED PRAYER? Our leadership team is here to love and serve you. Let us know how we can help! Send a Private MessageTimes and Locations Sunday | Life Groups 9:30am, Service 11:00am Wednesday | 7:00pm 479 GA Hwy 96 Bonaire, GA 31005 Get DirectionsContact...
(para. 58).2 The idea that bishops (in the diocese) and primates (in the Communion) are the "accredited leaders" who are in charge of biblical interpretation seems contrary to a wider baptismal ecclesiology that places biblical interpretation within the worshiping and prayer life of the ...
“The Congress has borne great fruit for our diocese, which you can see through its growth and the explosion of vocations over the years since it started,” Surface said. “I really believe that is due in large part to Bishop Jugis’ love for the Eucharist and his beautiful, prayer...
in the fruitfulness of the Church herself. Truly many Christian couples are a silent prayer for all, a “weekday” prayer, I would say, for every day, and we must unfortunately note that a couple that lives for many years together does not make the news – this is sad – while ...
March 11-13 in Greenville, SC. Bring the family for preaching, prayer, and fellowship. Martyn-Lloyd Jones Sermons Enjoy the Sermon Library of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones! Harvest Media Web Design, Media and Creative Agency 创建广告 使用我们的促销工具...
Unity has become, in my mind, a somewhat dysfunctional, but loving and blended family. Much like the gatherings we have at family reunions and Thanksgiving dinners, the mix is interesting, eclectic, inclusive, and fun for a while. It is filled with not only husbands and wives, but also ...
Michael Laitman, On The Times of Israel: “Bring Back the Pioneer Spirit” When I came to Israel in 1974, I was sent to a hotel that accommodated newolim(Jews who had just immigrated to Israel). Each family was given a room and we slept, dined, and learned Hebrew there. One day, ...
Shining the Truth—We cannot change the hearts and minds of our children, at least not in relation to the eternal and permanent sanctification spoken of by the Lord in the Scriptures. Jesus’ prayer to His Heavenly Father, “Sanctify them by Your Word. Your word is truth”John 17:17. And...