Prayer for family unity Dear Lord God, You created balance. The night to follow the day. The sea to touch the earth. All the wonderful animals, fish and birds. You are the great creator of variety and diversity. Thank you that you made us all to be unique and reflect your love. Co...
Read more: 20 Prayers For Love 5. Family Prayer For Healing For A Family Member The pain we feel as a family can be overcome with the unity we find in our faith. Offer this prayer when someone in the family is in need of healing, for only God provides the comfort and strength need...
With a prayer for family strength and a beautiful blessing asking for unity, protection and guidance. creative films Slightly longer videos with a theme to each one freedom in grace 'Freedom in Grace' is a song of blessing and hope. It is a declaration of God's love for the world, and...
FAMILY PRAYERS Family prayers Prayer for Family Unity and Inspiring Bible Verses for Peace Today, we turn our thoughts to prayer for family unity. Some families are fractured for many reasons. This indicates the need for unity, whether... ...
Day 14 Pray for any areas of disagreement you’re facing. Petition God to give you unity and clarity to move forward. Pray you can handle conversations about areas you disagree without petty bickering. Pray a prayer of repentance for any sinful responses you’ve had toward your husband, and...
It’s not respectful to you for him to be messy. Pray that God changes his heart and actions. Has your husband dropped the D-word…divorce? If he wants a divorce, pray your guts out that God keeps you together and provides unity and togetherness. Does he say, “I love you?” ...
for 30 minutes each weekday. We prayed that we would deepen our culture of prayer within our churches. We also prayed around the themes of unity, reconciliation, and for people in our own spheres and around the world to know the transformative love of Jesus. Members of the National ...
and we need your help. Please help me to be humble, gentle, and patient, bearing with my spouse in love. Help me to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace with my spouse. I trust that You can help us through this time and bless us with answers. Thank you, Lord....
"Praying for Christian unity in love and holinesstogether in Jesus"ENTER THE SPIRITUAL CHRISTIAN UNITY WORLDWIDE PRAYER GROUPStatement of Faith and Order Guidelines:Please consider the many scriptures for this kind of Christian unity shown below as the basis for membership in this Prayer Group....
Meditation and prayer.In these inner pursuits I find my deepest connection to love and peace. In fact, prayer and meditation are directly responsible for the making ofA Prayer For Compassion.They sparked the idea and guided me on every aspect of the journey. Meditation has become a wonderful ...