为了达到这一目的最简单的方法是在射击时简单的保持 walk 和 idle动画. 接下来需要确定shoot animation在一个比idle 和 walk更高的层. 这意味着shoot animation 将首先收到混合权重. walk 和idle 只有在 shoot animation不使用 100% 混合权重的情况下接收权重. 所以当 CrossFading the shoot animation in, 权重将...
Once we have the animations, when the player press the button to attack while the character is running, only the the torso animation will be switched, and to make the transition even more smooth, we’ll use the Animation.Blend method to change from the run animation of the torso to the ...
默认情况下 animation.Play() 和 animation.CrossFade() 将停止或淡出在同一层里面的动画. 这是我们在绝大多数情况下需要的. 在我们shoot, idle, run 范例中, 播放 idle 和 run 将不会影响到 shoot动画 反之亦然 (you can change this behavior(行为) with an optional parameter(任意参数) to animation.Cros...
But there’s a few tricks you still need to keep in mind. Changing the images frame by frame is just the tip of the iceberg for animation; to really make your game run beautifully, you have to understand how to use translation and rotation to your advantage. We’ll start with the basi...
In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the curves editor and explore some basic animation principles. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to: Edit the values of an Animation Curve. Add keyframes to an Animation Clip. Record a GameObject animation
When animating a hierarchy of GameObjects within a single clip like this, make sure you create the Animation on the root GameObject in the hierarchy. Each property can be folded and unfolded to reveal the exact values recorded at each keyframe. 在Animation窗口里面,不仅物体的子物体会展示在Hierar...
While the play button is highlighted, you’re in play mode and when you leave it, any changes you made while in play mode will be lost. I, along with just about every Unity developer I’ve ever spoken with, have lost work this way, so I change my Editor’s color to make it ...
I then took more images to make a run animation and dropped them onto my Yeti game object. Because I already have an animator component on the game object, Unity just creates a new animation file and adds a new state called “run.” I can simply right-click on idle and create a trans...
For an overview of animation scripting in Unity please read this introduction. To play a simple animation use Animation.Play To cross-fade between animations use Animation.CrossFade To change how animations wrap (Loop, Once, PingPong) change the WrapMode of the respective AnimationClips in their...
Animation Record:可以对动画进行录制,然后可以播放录制好的动画,可以实现时之沙的时光倒流功能; 可以说Unity3D现在已经具备了开发一款媲美国际大厂的动作游戏的能力了。 Animation Curve 这里我们直接使用官网给出的示例,打开场景Scale Capsule: 运行游戏,我们发现此时人物是不能通过跳跃穿过墙上的小孔的: ...