You can use the Scene view View Options toolbar Overlay to choose various options for viewing the Scene and to enable/disable lighting and audio. These controls only affect the Scene view during development and have no effect on the built game.
下面是局部雾代码: usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingUnityEngine;[ExecuteAlways]publicclassLocalFog:MonoBehaviour{Matrix4x4localFogMatrix;publicboollocalScale=false;[ColorUsage(false, false)]publicColorabledo=Color.gray;publicfloatextinction=1.0f;[ColorUsage(false, true)];publicf...
Enable Semitransparent Shadows启用半透明阴影。 此选项可添加或删除 UNITY_USE_DITHER_MASK_FOR_ALPHABLENDED_SHADOWS 着色器编译器定义。 Enable Light Probe Proxy Volume允许渲染插值光照探针的 3D 网格。 Cascaded Shadows启用级联阴影贴图。 此选项可添加或删除 UNITY_NO_SCREENSPACE_SHADOWS 着色器编译器定义。
Fog settings can be changed by selecting the CameraAndFog gameobject, which is a child of the Player gameobject in the scene hierarchy. Enabling benchmark mode To enable benchmark mode, enable the Animator and Benchmark components under the 'Player' gameobject and disable the Player script. Addi...
1。把 他的layer改为default ;果然可以了 2.可是1这种方法显然不是我想要的 , 后来发现,你要把这个· layer的 UI层的小眼睛给打开,你可以在scence面板看到了 拓展 :tip1.雾在scence中没显示,将下面的fog给选中 tip2 :在game中也没有雾 ,需要确保 widow--light sett... ...
要使用OpenGL的混合功能,只需要调用:glEnable(GL_BLEND);即可。 要关闭OpenGL的混合功能,只需要调用:glDisable(GL_BLEND);即可。 注意:只有在RGBA模式下,才可以使用混合功能,颜色索引模式下是无法使用混合功能的。 混合需要把原来的颜色和将要画上去的颜色找出来,经过某种方式处理后得到一种新的颜色。这里把将要画上...
If you enable Occlusion Culling it can significantly increase performance, but it occupies more disk space and RAM because the Unity Umbra integration bakes the occlusion data during the build and Unity needs to load it from disk to RAM while loading a Scene. Multiple Cameras When you use many...
Check theEnable Map Extentcheck box to display theMap Extentsection and set the extent of the map to these values: Longitude: -74.0 Latitude: 40.72 Shape: Circle Spatial Reference WKID: 4326 Shape Dimensions: (Radius) 5000 meters ClickCreate Mapto add the ArcGIS Map game object to the scene...
If you are using2019.1+, you might notice there is a big change to the SRP APIs. I’ve created a new repository and you can grab here. Much cleaner and minimal. (My playground pipeline) Here lists out exact what codes enable the Unity feature when...