在Unity3D中点击“File” -> “Build Settings”,选择目标平台和其他设置,然后点击“Build”按钮导出项目。 三、创建Maven项目 创建Maven项目 打开命令行工具,进入Unity3D项目的根目录。执行以下命令创建一个Maven项目: mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=my-project -DarchetypeArtifactId=mave...
<Message Text="$(ProjectName) -> $(TargetPath).mdb"Importance="High"/> <Exec Command=""$(MonoMdbGenerator)" $(AssemblyName).dll"WorkingDirectory="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\$(OutputPath)"/> </Target> </Project> To use this build file, save it as "UnityDLLExample.csproj" in a proj...
可能需要重启计算机。 卡在build gradle project(gradle代理修改) 一般见于第一次打包Android包,提示可能为:Caused by: org.gradle.api.resources.ResourceException: Could not get resource 'https://jcenter.bintray.com/com/android/support/support-media-compat/27.0.2/support-media-compat-27.0.2.aar'. 这是...
Toolkit.Build.Editor Assembly: Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Tools.dll Builds the open Unity project for BuildTarget.WSAPlayer. C++ 複製 public: static void BuildUnityProject(); Applies to 產品版本 MRTK2 Unity 2018 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.6.0, 2.7.0...
The local build path defaults to the path provided by Addressables.BuildPath, which is within the Library folder of your Unity project. Addressables appends a folder to the local build path based on your current platform build target setting. When you build for multiple platforms, the build pla...
MyProject.asm.code.unityweb文件,包含播放器的 asm.js 模块。 MyProject.asm.memory.unityweb文件,包含二进制映像以用于初始化播放器的堆内存。 MyProject.data.unityweb文件,包含资源数据和场景。 Build文件夹中的*.unityweb文件的内容可采用 gzip 或 brotli 压缩格式,也可以不压缩,具体取决于发布设置 (Publishing...
從Unity Project Explorer 操作與管理腳本。 在Visual Studio 的 [Navigate To] 視窗中進行整合。 剖析Info 控制台訊息,如此一來,在錯誤清單中點擊會帶您前往具有符號的第一個堆疊框架。 新增API,讓使用者參與項目產生。 新增API 以讓用戶參與 LogCallback。錯誤...
How to Build/Export Your Game in Unity to Windows: In this instructable, I will be showing you how to export your own game made on Unity. The process is fairly simple, but make sure you follow along so you don't miss anything! I learned this method by wa
GitHub Action to build Unity projects for different platforms. Part of the GameCI open source project. How to use Find the docs on the GameCI documentation website. Related actions Visit the GameCI Unity Actions status repository for related Actions. Community Feel free to join us on and en...
The ProjectSettings folder stores settings you can configure. The Temp folder is used for temporary files from Mono and Unity during the build process. There's also a solution file that you can open in Visual Studio for Mac (UnityLab.sln here). Close the Finder window and return to Unity...