In either case, object collision detection is critical. Here are the basic rules. A Rigidbody2D or RigidBody (used for 3D) component added to a game object will automatically give that component mass and make it understand gravity and receive forces. According to Wi...
2D 对象 (2D Object)*: A 2D GameObject such as a tilemap or sprite. More info 二维投影 (dimetric projection): 一种平行投影形式,其中 3D 对象的尺寸被投影到 2D 平面上,并且轴之间的三个角中只有两个角彼此相等。这种投影形式通常用于等距视频游戏中模拟三维深度。更多信息 等距投影 (isometric projectio...
ui = cam.GetComponent<UserGui>(); archerControllerScript = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<archercontroller>(); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { } private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("staticTarget")) { ShowHitMessage("Hit St...
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision otherObj) { if (otherObj.gameObject.tag == "Garbage can") { Destroy(gameObject, 0.5f); } } 请注意,Destroy 函数可以在不影响游戏对象本身的情况下销毁个别组件。一个常见错误编写以下代码,假设它会销毁脚本所附加到的 GameObject ...
Colliders define the shape of the object for the purpose of physical collisions. In this case, a button press is a collision, because your hand presses (or collides) with the cube. To adjust the bounds and center, in the Touchable Collider properties, select both Fix Bounds and Fix Center...
三个阶段,OnCollisionEnter/Stay/Exit 函数 8. u3d 中,几种施加力的方式,描述出来 rigidbody.AddForce/AddForceAtPosition,都是 rigidbody 的成员函数 9. 物体自旋转使用的函数叫什么 transform.Rotate 10. 物体绕某点旋转使用函数叫什么 transform.RotateAround ...
A 2D collider that has a single AABB. This means if the collider is stationary (not moving), then only one edge needs to be check for collisions. On the contrary, a box collider has an AABB when all four edges need to be checked for collision. Use this if an EdgeCollider2D is appro...
OnCollisionEnter/Stay/Exit 函数;触发器没有碰撞效果,IsTrigger=true,可以调用 OnTriggerEnter/Stay/Exit 函数。 a.如果不想让碰撞检测影响物体移动但是又想检测到碰撞这时用到触发器 (Trigger) b.触发器用来检测一个物件是否经过空间中的某个区域 26.动画层(Animation Layers)的作用是什么? 动画层作为一个具有层级...
Add components to your game object that give your object desired properties: Rendering Collision Rigidbody physics Create and add MonoBehaviour scripts to your object to command and alter the states of these components at runtime. Let's call this...
ControllerColliderHit is used by CharacterController.OnControllerColliderHit to give detailed information about the collision and how to deal with it. Variables collider The collider that was hit by the controller. controller The controller that hit the collider. ...