如何使用: 场景中新建一个AudioSource, 然后再在Project视图里面新建一个AudioMixer, 打开这个AudioMixer的三角形按钮, 将里面的"Master"赋予到AudioSource的Output上. 这样一来AudioSource的音频信号会通过Master这个Group最后播放出来. 而你在这个过程中可以做很多很灵活的事情, 下面大概走一遍:先说一下这四个都是啥...
02-09. Calculating the Cross Project 11:11 02-10. A Simple Autopilot Project 13:00 03-01. Time 11:40 03-02. Normalising Movement with Time 06:10 03-03. Velocity 09:50 03-04. Predicting Future Locations of Game Objects Part 1 10:10 03-05. Predicting Future Locations of Gam...
A* Pathfinding Project Pro Whether you’re writing an RPG, FPS, RTS, or TD game, this package is for you. With heavily optimized algorithms and a large, yet simple to use feature set, you’ll be able to make those bots a bit smarter in no time. Discover asset Odin Inspector and Ser...
Free Verified Solution 新客7 折优惠 加入我们的邮件列表,即刻享受精选资源 7 折优惠的福利。此外,还可获得游戏开发资源,以及促销和活动等最新相关信息。 注册 获取Asset Store 最新资讯 输入电子邮件地址 China 除了Asset Store 的资讯之外,我同意由 Unity 向我发送营销活动信息,并通过电子邮件和社交媒体接收来自 Un...
详细指南请参阅:团结引擎用户手册 | 小游戏构建配置: https://docs.unity.cn/cn/tuanjiemanual/Manual/BuildSettingsMiniGame.html ○新增动画压缩库 ACL 集成,提高 AnimationClip 压缩率,在小游戏上可以获得更小的包体和内存占用。 ○完善 Wasm Analysis Tool 对 wasm 指令的支持,新增对微信分包后 wasm 的支...
Discover free learning experiences by Unity experts to take your real-time 3D skills to the next level. New to Unity? The Unity Essentials Pathway introduces you to the basics of the Unity Editor: downloading the software, navigating the interface, and creating and publishing your first project....
There’s a single download that can be licensed for free mode or pro. You can see the differences between the versions at unity3d.com/unity/licenses. The Editor, which is the main Unity interface, runs on Windows (including Surface Pro), Linux and OS X. I’ll get into r...
例如,每个 UWP 应用现在都自带各自的 .NET Core 副本,因此您始终可以获取用来测试的 .NET 版本。为了适应此变化,Unity 会生成相应的 project.json 文件。此文件会通过 NuGet 来提取合适的 .NET 部分。 此外,UWP 应用使用的是 .NET 本机,这样可以在将应用下载到...
Just drag any game object from the hierarchy back into the project folder and a new file is created with the extension .prefab that includes any child hierarchies. You can now drag this file into your scenes and reuse it. The original game object turns blue to note it’s now connected ...
If you'll use Unity as an individual, you'll be enrolled in a Unity Personal plan by default.Unity Personalis Unity's standard free plan. Individuals, hobbyists, and small businesses using Unity to provide services to others are eligible to use Unity Personal if their respective clients, in...