订阅计划 计划和定价 Personal 免费使用最广泛应用的游戏引擎,将您的创意和愿景变为现实。 了解详情 Pro 利用专业工具释放团队潜力,创作跨设备和平台的爆款游戏。 了解详情 Enterprise 使用可根据团队规模扩展的专家支持和创作工具,管理复杂的实时 3D 项目。 了解详情 ...
{ var sizeHandle = Addressables.GetDownloadSizeAsync(updateHandle.Result[i].Keys); yield return sizeHandle; if (sizeHandle.Status == UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded) { if (sizeHandle.Result > 0) { totalDownLoadSize += sizeHandle.Result; mUpdateResKeys...
This makes download size smaller for Google Play Store users. This is primarily a Google Play store feature and may not work in other stores. For more details, refer to Multiple APK Support. Install Location Specifies application install location on the device (for detailed information, refer to...
Don’t check something off here if you don’t know what it is, though; your project size will grow, sometimes considerably. Finally, you can choose either 2D or 3D (3). This dropdown is relatively new to Unity, which didn’t have significant 2D game tooling until fairly ...
Download Unity 6000.0.25 for Mac - High-end and GUI based tool for game development that comes with a very powerful engine and allows you to create projects compatible with different devices
Check out my Channel 9 blog (aka.ms/AdamChannel9) for some videos and links to content to download. Adam Tuliper is a senior technical evangelist with Microsoft living in sunny Southern California. He’s an indie game dev, co-admin of the Orange County Unity Meetup and a Pluralsight.com ...
Previously, Chomp didn’t have in-app purchases, so we decided to add them to the game using the Store plug-in. Now, Chomp has support for purchasing consumables (boosters) and durables (mazes). The easiest way to use these plug-ins is to downloa...
发现用于制作游戏的优质资源。从我们种类繁多的 2D、3D 模型、SDK、模板和工具目录中进行选择,加快您的游戏开发进程。
模型和特效使用不同质量(三角面数)的预制体,预制体命名后缀做加载区分,区分等级 阴影根据使用情况进行区分 整体贴图渲染质量进行区别对待 使用QuailtySetting的API来对阴影和贴图渲染质量做操作 通过程序来区分机型,ios通过机型就能判断UnityEngine.IOS.Device.generation== XXXX.Iphone6;安卓通过CPU型号,内存大小,系统,平...
更小的MaxSize:在效果可以接受的情况下,使用最低的设置。这么做可以无损且非常高效地降低你的纹理内存(texture memory)。 使用二次幂(POT):Unity要求移动端纹理尺寸为二的次幂(POT)的压缩格式(PVRCT或ETC)。 图集的使用:将多个纹理打成一个纹理可以减少draw call,提升渲染效率。可以使用Unity SpriteAtlas...