FPS Sample Update about the state of the project:This project is based on Unity 2018.3 and no longer being actively maintained. Feel free to continue to use it as a learning resource or simply for inspiration. As always, you should upgrade to latest version of Unity and packages if you int...
Unity FPSSample Demo研究 1.前言 Unity FpsSample Demo大约是2018发布,用于官方演示新的网络传输层(UnityTransport)+DOTS的一个FPS多人对战Demo。 Demo下载地址(需要安装Git LFS) :https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/FPSSample 下载完成后3-40GB左右,下载后请检查文件大小是否正确。 时间原因写的并不完整,但大...
Development of FPS Sample, Contributions etc. As of today, internally development of the project happens on Perforce. We push versions of the project to github from there. As we do that we will update theCHANGELOGwith highlights but the full history is not carried over. For practical reasons ...
FPSSampleFPSSamplePublic A first person multiplayer shooter example project in Unity C#4.9k1.8k PostProcessingPostProcessingPublic archive Post Processing Stack C#3.7k747 arfoundation-samplesarfoundation-samplesPublic Example content for Unity projects based on AR Foundation ...
https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/FPSSample 了解更多FPS示例项目,请访问: https://unity.com/fps-sample FPS示例项目介绍 FPS示例项目提供了所有素材内容,包括源代码,艺术资源和音效等内容,但这些内容都不是来自Asset Store资源商店的资源包。这样一来,你能按自己的需求提取,挑选和使用特定内容。
https://github.com/keijiro/Smrvfx 就想将其加入的我做的工程中人物动作同步的模型上。 随之而来的问题就出现了,案例中的模型开启了Optimize Game Object选项, 这样角色的骨骼都隐藏了,就无法实现我需要的同步动画的功能了。所以只能使用不优化的选项模型(关闭Optimize Game Object选项),才能将骨骼节点暴露出来。但是...
FPS:GitHub - Unity-Technologies/FPSSample: A first person multiplayer shooter example project in Unity 用于运行时构建 NavMesh 的高级 API 组件:github.com/Unity-Techno NavMesh 下载github资源-unity打开场景-Examples。 1xx-鼠标点击位置x,两个圆柱体自动寻路躲避中间的障碍物,到x点。 2xx-空格生成目标,点...
148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 新的粒子系统 更多关于新粒子系统的介绍链接 工程下载 https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/FPSSample 更多精品教程 拷贝到浏览器访问
最近不少网友因为网络问题无法从github上成功FPS Sample的工程文件,我把我电脑上可运行的工程文件(我用的引擎版本是Unity2018.3.0)打包了一份,放在百度网盘上提供给需要的网友下载。 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jx40sAVa3WQ1JI8ySvIXtQ 同时也收到一些网友建议说希望尽快看到FPS Sample文章的后续更新,在这里诚挚...
Unity FPS示例项目下载地址: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/FPSSample 14、除此之外还更新了:物理功能:PhysX 3.4、多场景物理、垃圾回收控制、NET 4.x Equivalent脚本运行时、C# 7.3:Roslyn编译器、用于重新压缩下载资源包的运行时API、寻路系统更新、2D功能更新一些了新功能、粒子系统、光照更新、AR、XR等等...