1. 使用Mathf.Round方法 Mathf.Round方法可以对浮点数进行四舍五入,通过乘以和除以10的幂次方,你可以控制保留的小数位数。 csharp float num = 3.14159265f; int decimalPlaces = 1; // 保留的小数位数 float roundedNum = Mathf.Round(num * Mathf.Pow(10, decimalPlaces)) / Mathf.Pow(10, decimalPlaces...
// divide by multiplier and round to at moast 2 decimal places var pointString = $"({(float)gridPoint.x / GridSizeMultiplier:0.##}, {(float)gridPoint.y / GridSizeMultiplier:0.##}, {(float)gridPoint.z / GridSizeMultiplier:0.##})"; var newGameObject = new GameObject { name = $...
PasswordBox with round corner??? Place text around specified x,y in a grid PlacementTarget of a context menu is always null Play video from UDP/RTSP using MediaElement? Play video stream in wpf playing .m3u8 files in media element in wpf Playing a *.MP3 file in WPF ? Playing Gif in M...
floatf=Random.Range(0.01f,200.01f); floatd=Random.Range(0.01f,200.01f); strings="yusong: "+i.ToString(); Profiler.BeginSample("string.format"); strings1=string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}",i.ToString(),f.ToString(),d.ToString(),s); Profiler.EndSample(); Profiler.BeginSample("+="); s...
我有过一些2D游戏的经验,但它也应该适用于3D fps制作一个空的gameobject,然后将其用作摄像头的父对象...
我有过一些2D游戏的经验,但它也应该适用于3D fps制作一个空的gameobject,然后将其用作摄像头的父对象...
convert image to image<gray,float> in c# Convert KeyPressed to character? Convert Latitude/Longitude to X/Y co-ordinates and plot on Canvas convert string to ImageSource Convert System.Drawing.Image to System.Windows.Controls.Image Convert System.Windows.Point to System.Drawing.Point Convert Task...