public static class NumberUtils { public static float RoundToTwoDecimalPlaces(float number) { return Mathf.Round(number * 100f) / 100f; } } // 使用方法 float number = 3.14159f; float roundedNumber = NumberUtils.RoundToTwoDecimalPlaces(number); Debug.Log(roundedNumber); // 输出: 3.14 4....
// divide by multiplier and round to at moast 2 decimal places var pointString = $"({(float)gridPoint.x / GridSizeMultiplier:0.##}, {(float)gridPoint.y / GridSizeMultiplier:0.##}, {(float)gridPoint.z / GridSizeMultiplier:0.##})"; var newGameObject = new GameObject { name = $...
PasswordBox with round corner??? Place text around specified x,y in a grid PlacementTarget of a context menu is always null Play video from UDP/RTSP using MediaElement? Play video stream in wpf playing .m3u8 files in media element in wpf Playing a *.MP3 file in WPF ? Playing Gif in M...
It takes a few round trips of path recalculations but in my tests this has reduced the waiting times a lot. Another thing that can be done is to make it so that when an agent is standing still it doesn’t completely reserve the node it is standing on, instead it will just apply ...
2.字符串+=进行拼接会产生装箱,生成GC 3.Append传入值类型数据,它会调用ToString方法,需要new string 然后把char[]拷进去,又会产生堆内存。 StringBuidler 产生堆内存 5.StringBuidler.ToString 产生堆内存 5.string.format 它内部使用的就是StringBuilder,但是 1)new StringBuilder 2)Append 3)ToString都会产...
我有过一些2D游戏的经验,但它也应该适用于3D fps制作一个空的gameobject,然后将其用作摄像头的父对象...
PasswordBox with round corner??? Place text around specified x,y in a grid PlacementTarget of a context menu is always null Play video from UDP/RTSP using MediaElement? Play video stream in wpf playing .m3u8 files in media element in wpf Playing a *.MP3 file in WPF ? Playing Gif in Med...