Create an instance of Unity Explorer with UnityExplorer.ExplorerStandalone.CreateInstance(); Optionally subscribe to the ExplorerStandalone.OnLog event to handle logging if you wish Unity Editor Download the UnityExplorer.Editor release. Install the package, either by using the Package Manager and impo...
usingUnityEngine;usingRemoteFileExplorer.Editor;publicclassTestAttribute{[CustomMenu("pull game log")]publicstaticvoidPullLog(ManipulatorWrappermanipulator){stringremoteLogPath=manipulator.GetRemotePath("Application.persistentDataPath")+"/Logs/game.log";manipulator.Download(remoteLogPath,Application.dataPath.Replac...
從Unity Project Explorer 操作與管理腳本。 在Visual Studio 的 [Navigate To] 視窗中進行整合。 剖析Info 控制台訊息,如此一來,在錯誤清單中點擊會帶您前往具有符號的第一個堆疊框架。 新增API,讓使用者參與項目產生。 新增API 以讓用戶參與 LogCallback。錯誤...
Unity 官方资源后台下载-BackgroundDownload Unity 开源网络系统-Forge Networking Unity 帧同步游戏极简框架-LockStepSimpleFramework-Shared Unity 网络同步预测和回滚-UnityLockstep Unity 应用程序和游戏网络层解决方案-Megumin.Net Unity 开源的客户端服务器同体的网络框架-Mirror’s multiplayer High Level API ...
请注意,在任何时候,您都可以右键单击项目窗口并选择 Show in Explorer。这将向您显示项目中的素材目录,并且一旦您刷新视图,您在此处输入的任何内容都将显示在项目窗口中。这样,精灵现在是你的项目的一部分。你可以使用完全相同的过程,无论你想添加树精灵,收藏品,敌人,或其他任何东西到你的水平。真的就这么简单。
Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer. While the plugin focuses ongame developmentin Unity’s native game engine, it also supports other content from leading developers and designers. If you install this plugin on your Windows PC, you get access to some impressive games right in...
On the main Visual Studio menu, choose View > Unity Project Explorer. Keyboard shortcut: Alt+Shift+EUnity debuggingVisual Studio Tools for Unity lets you debug both editor and game scripts for your Unity project using Visual Studio's powerful debugger....
Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Edge. You need an SSE2 instruction set for running it smoothly. 1084×768 Screen Resolution Operating System: Windows: 7, 8, and later. Mac: OS 10.12 or higher.
Project: All the files in your project. You can drag and drop from Explorer into Unity to add files to your project. Scene: The currently open scene. Hierarchy: All the game objects in the scene. Note the use of the term GameObjects and the GameObjects dropdown menu. ...
Data Explorer: A Unity Analytics Dashboard page that allows you to build, view and export reports on your Analytics metrics and events. You can also see how metrics and custom events change over time. More info DAU: (Daily Active Users) The number of different players who started a sessio...