Unity 常见报错问题解决方案 目录 Unity 常见报错问题解决方案 【已解决】Unity Coroutinue 协程未有效执行的问题 【待解决】Not a Prefab scene 7 ‘UniversalAdditionalCamera... 【解决】Expanding invalid MinMaxAABB 【解决】Java开发工具包(JDK)目录未设置或无效。请在“首选项“>“外部工具“中将其修复22 使用...
type 1 or type 2. Additional AOT compiler command line options can be specified in the “Other Settings” section of thePlayer Settings. For type 1 trampolines, specifynrgctx-trampolines=ABCD, where ABCD is the number of new trampolines required (i.e. 4096). For type 2 trampolines specifyni...
com.unity.jobs: Cannot connect to 'staging-packages.unity.com:443' (error code: ENOTFOUND). com.unity.properties: Cannot connect to 'staging-packages.unity.com:443' (error code: ENOTFOUND). A re-import of the project may be required to fix the issue or a manual modification of E:/...
Unity 是一款广泛使用的游戏引擎,支持多平台开发,包括 Android。Android 64位指的是在 Android 设备上运行 64 位的操作系统和应用。不兼容错误通常发生在尝试在特定版本的 Android 系统上运行不支持的软件或应用时。 相关优势 性能提升:64位系统能够更有效地利用内存和处理能力,提供更好的性能。 更大的内存寻址空间...
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.936) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }TakeRentPerfTask.update(Line:196)[TakeRentPerfTask]: update size=0倒计时 currentSecond >>38[minicap](this:0x7e90653000,id:0,api:1,p:574,c:9230) queueBuffer: slot 0 is dropped, handle=0x...
uta_agent_protobuf_requests{code="3",method="delete"} The number of requests to remove items made from the Asset Import Pipeline for items that have not been cached. uta_agent_cache_bytes_evicted_unscheduled Number of bytes evicted from cache during an “unscheduled” pass. Unscheduled evictio...
Consider whether code must run every frame Update() is a function that is run once per frame by Unity. Update() is a convenient place to put code that needs to be called frequently, or code that must respond to frequent changes. However, not all of this code needs to run every single...
[fix] Fixes the bug where loading pdb on platforms like WebGL still does not display stack code line numbers. [fix] Fixes the bug where, after calling a sub-interpreter function and returning, logging prints the code line number of the called function due to frame->ip not being reset to...
Your custom types are usually automatically supported with the built-in type resolvers that generate new IMessagePackFormatter<T> types on-the-fly using dynamic code generation. See our AOT code generation support for platforms that do not support this....
However, Unity will not automatically load AssetBundle 2 when AssetBundle 1 is loaded. This must be done manually in script code. For more information on AssetBundle dependencies, refer to the manual page. 4.4.3. AssetBundle manifests When executing the AssetBundle build pipeline using the BuildPipe...