可以在检测到网络错误时,判断当报错代码是416,就删除原本下载的.temp临时文件,重新下载整个文件。 3.PlayerSettings Validation: Requested build target group (0) doesn't exist; #define symbols for scripting won't be added. 解决方法: 好像这个是一个unity的Bug,搜索的时候发现17年有人提出过,按理应该已经...
Mac App Store Validation选中此框可启用 Mac App Store 的收据验证。 Mac Fullscreen Mode选择全屏模式在 MacOSX 上的运行方式。提供的选项为Capture Display__(即 Unity 接管整个显示屏,用户无法切换应用程序,直到退出全屏模式)、Fullscreen Window__ 和Fullscreen Window with Menu Bar and Dock。
Packages caching: package information will no longer be redownloaded every time you open the Uploader window during the same Editor session Fixes Previous uploading flow (folder selection) has been renamed to “From Assets Folder” Dependencies check has been renamed to “Include Package Manifest” ...
characterLimit输入字段可以输入的字符数限制为 0 = 无限。 characterValidation要对字符执行的验证的类型。 contentType指定输入文本内容的类型。 customCaretColor应该使用自定义光标颜色还是 textComponent.color。 inputType预期输入类型。请参阅 InputField.InputType。
Hii,I've faced the problem while uploading an environment When I click in Mesh Toolkit/Environments => Unity editor Crashed (All the...
Project Settings==>Editor==>Device==>Any Android Device 手机连接电脑并打开USB调试,打开unity Remote 电脑运行项目,手机端会有投影,并且可以响应手机端的反馈(触屏,GPS,陀螺仪等) 如果电脑插入多个设备时,会自动选择第一台设备。 Unity Remote仅为了快速测试输入功能以及表现效果,节省测试的打包时间 ...
Unity Scene References for Runtime and Editor. Strongly typed, robust, and reliable. Provides GUID, Path, Build Index, Name, and Address. - starikcetin/Eflatun.SceneReference
Hi there, For some players, the game crashes when joininga game when using an Android 11 device, maybe Android 10 also crash. Unity: 2020.3.48f1 NGO: 1.5.1 (Transport: 1.3.4) Relay: 1.0.5(Transport: 1.3.0) But I just use unityTransport a...
public class GooglePurchase { public PurchasePayloadData PayloadData; public string Store; public string TransactionID; public string Payload; public static GooglePurchase FromJson(string json) { var purchase = JsonUtility.FromJson<GooglePurchase>(json); // Only fake receipts are returned in ...