"Couldn't download template: Validation Failed" warning thrown when trying to download 3D Sample Scene (HDRP) via Unity Hub - Apr 14, 2023 How to reproduce: 1. Open Unity Hub 2. Press "New Project" button 3. Select 2023.1.0b13 version in "E...
https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk18-windows NDK(本地开发工具包)(网络下载)NDK 版本必须是 Unity2018——r16b, Unity2017——r13d 注意:NDK是可选的工具,如果之后要发il2cpp的应用程序,那么NDK是必须的,如果是Mono可以不使用它 https://blog.csdn.net/momo0853/article/details/738980...
Install failed: Validation Failed Either Can't load WebGL or open the project or Unity at all.It seems that every year, instead of improving the quality, Unity only increases the number of bugs. This solution bypasses the Bug Hub Unity Hub:...
Hii, I've faced the problem while uploading an environment When I click in Mesh Toolkit/Environments => Unity editor Crashed (All the time). Resources / Info: I've used be... Hellosabarishr1980, I am so sorry, that you are experience this issue. We are looking into that. We...
Updated package validation tool with easier to understand descriptions, new tests and new UI. (This tool will scan your package for potential reasons for rejection and provide feedback) Brand new UX with multiple upload workflows Login window: Improved layout with ability to login through Unity Clo...
MISC - Added config option to 'DisableCertificateValidation' for all hosts under all circumstances in case the plugin locks up. This option is only required by very few games MISC - Experimental hooking support for methods with no body (configured through 'EnableExperimentalHooks' setting) ...
), error => Debug.Log("Validation failed: " + error.GenerateErrorReport()) ); return PurchaseProcessingResult.Complete; } // This is invoked manually to initiate purchase void BuyProductID(string productId) { // If IAP service has not been initialized, fail hard if (!IsInit...
Updated package validation tool with easier to understand descriptions, new tests and new UI. (This tool will scan your package for potential reasons for rejection and provide feedback) Brand new UX with multiple upload workflows Login window: Improved layout with ability to login through Unity Clo...
); if (result?.Failed.Count > 0) { Debug.Log($"Validation failed for {result.Failed.Count} receipts."); Debug.Log(JsonUtility.ToJson(result.Failed)); PlayFabProcessPurchaseEvent?.Invoke(PurchaseProcessingResult.Pending); } else { Debug.Log("Validation succeeded!"); PlayFabProcessPurch...
Updated package validation tool with easier to understand descriptions, new tests and new UI. (This tool will scan your package for potential reasons for rejection and provide feedback) Brand new UX with multiple upload workflows Login window: Improved layout with ability to login through Unity Clo...