Unity Editor具有多种工具,可在您的开发周期中进行快速编辑和迭代,其中的Play模式可让您实时快速预览作品。 1、一体化编辑器: 支持Windows和Mac系统,涵盖了一系列用于设计沉浸式体验和游戏世界美术家易于使用的工具,以及功能强大的开发者工具套件,可用于实现游戏逻辑和高性能游戏效果。
There’s a single download that can be licensed for free mode or pro. You can see the differences between the versions at unity3d.com/unity/licenses. The Editor, which is the main Unity interface, runs on Windows (including Surface Pro), Linux and OS X. I’ll get into real game ...
Improved the user experience for displaying Unity editor and player instances (windows are now resizable, use uniform margins and display a resizing grip). Added Process-Id information for Unity editors. Updated the MonoBehaviour API. Evaluation: Added support for local functions. Added support for ...
// 编辑器扩展 Assets下名为Editor目录中的脚本会编译到该模块中 // 编辑器扩展,被编辑器优先加载 Assets\Plugins下名为Editor目录中的脚本会编译到该模块中 注:Assembly-CSharp.dll、Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll使用的是Unity Subset v3.5类库,Assembly-CSharp-Editor.dll、Assembly-CSharp-Editor-firstpass.dl...
The easiest way to use these plug-ins is to download the Unity package from GitHub and import it into Chomp using the Assets | Import Package | Custom Packages in Unity Editor. Once the package is imported, you’ll have the proper binaries locat...
既然ScriptableObject有自己的Inspector的Editor绘制,那么我们就可以自定义扩展它,然后就可以直接显示在EditorWindows里面了。比如: // 自定义ScriptableObject的Editor显示[CanEditMultipleObjects, CustomEditor(typeof(ShowObject))]publicclassShowObjectEditor:Editor{} ...
Windows Store - Creating a Location-Aware App with Geofencing September 2014 Code Downloads Editor's Note - Six Degrees of Live! 360 Modern Apps - Build Universal Apps for the Windows Platform The Working Programmer - Fun with C#, Part 2 Microsoft Azure - Introduction to Machine Learning Studi...
GitHub地址:GitHub - ShanguUncle/UnityChatSDK: Unity Video Chat SDK supports UnityEditor, Android,iOS,Windows,UWP(Hololens) 功能介绍:跨平台的音视频服务,该插件是我了解的目前Unity中所有音视频服务最全面的直接可用的SDK,其他的插件例如声网以及几个大厂的SDK,虽然也是跨平台,但是不全,而且还有很多坑,大部...
Downloads DOTween is compatible withUnity versions 2022 to 5.6.7. Works with: Win,Mac,Linux,Unity WebPlayer,WebGL,iOS,Android, Windows Phone,UWP(only via IL2CPP starting from v1.2.055),PS Vita (PSM),PlayStation,Xbox,Nintendo Switch+ more (didn't test additional platforms but it should ...
Editor OnlyIndicates whether the Load/Store Action Debug Mode only runs in the Unity Editor. Note:This property is visible only when Load/Store Action Debug Mode is set to true. Vulkan Settings PropertyDescription SRGB Write ModeEnable this option to allowGraphics.SetSRGBWrite()renderer to toggle...