Almost all Unity shaders support several lights in forward rendering. To achieve this, they process an additional render pass for each light. Unity only batches the first render pass. It can't batch the draw calls for the additional per-pixel lights. TheLegacy Deferred rendering pathdoesn't s...
Debug.DrawLine:Draws a line between specified start and end points.
其中,interval用来控制点与点之间的间距,然后利用GL完成点连线: void DrawLine() { if (!beginDraw) return; GL.PushMatrix(); GL.LoadOrtho(); lineMaterial.SetPass(0); GL.Begin(GL.LINES); for (int i = 0; i < posList.Count - 1; i++) { Vector3 pos = posList[i]; GL.Vertex3(pos....
Draws a line from p1 to p2.The Handles.color and Handles.matrix properties colorize and additionally transform the line position. Unity ignores DrawLine (that is, nothing happens) when the current GUI event type is not Repaint.\ 在场景视图中绘制线条。Below is an example of an Editor script...
line1.SetVertexCount(2);//设置两点 line1.SetColors(Color.yellow,; //设置直线颜色 line1.SetWidth(5f, 10f);//设置直线宽度 //设置指示线的起点和终点 line1.SetPosition(0, A.transform.position); line1.SetPosition(1, B.transform.position); ...
Gizmos.DrawLine(, new Vector3(0,3f,0)); } (3)Graphic.DrawMesh =1=一般在Update/Fixed Update/LateUpdate里调用 =2=实际屏幕和Scene窗口都能显示 =3=可以设置材质 画Mesh Ok void Update() { Graphics.DrawMesh(mesh, worldPos, worldRotation, material, 0); ...
energyLine=newVectorLine("Energy",linePoints,lineWeight,LineType.Continuous);for(inti=0;i<200;i++){//y=Asin(ωx+φ)+k A——振幅 (ωx+φ)——相位 φ——初相 k——偏距 ω——角速度, 控制正弦周期energyLine.points2.Add(newVector2(i,A*Mathf.Sin(((a*i)+b)+K));}energyLine.Draw...
(transform.localToWorldMatrix); // Draw lines GL.Begin(GL.LINES); for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; ++i) { float a = i / (float)lineCount; float angle = a * Mathf.PI * 2; // Vertex colors change from red to green GL.Color(new Color(a, 1 - a, 0, 0.8F)); // One ...
Debug 类还提供了两种在 Scene 视图和 Game 视图中绘制线条的方法。它们是:DrawLine和DrawRay。 在这个例子中,一个脚本被添加到场景中的每个球体游戏对象,它使用 Debug.DrawLine 指示它与 Y 为零的平面的垂直距离。请注意,此示例中的最后一个参数是线条在编辑器中应保持可见的持续时间(以秒为单位)。
OnDrawLine(); firstMouseDown = false; } //画线 private void OnDrawLine() { if (firstMouseDown == true) { positionCount = 0; //头坐标 headPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition + new Vector3(0, 0, 11)); lastPosition = headPosition; } if (mouseDown == ...