UNITY_TVOSApple TV 平台 UNITY_WSA#define directive for Universal Windows Platform. Additionally, NETFX_CORE is defined when compiling C# files against .NET Core and using .NET scripting backend. UNITY_WSA_10_0#define directive for Universal Windows Platform. Additionally WINDOWS_UWP is defined when...
In short, unity is an agreement between parts that make up the whole. Unity is achieved when each individual element within a design comes together like a puzzle to reveal a singular cohesive vision. What are the principles of design? Now, if you are not yet familiar with the principles of...
在ShadowCasterPassFragment中,将_CLIPPED的检查替换为_SHADOWS_CLIP的检查。 #if defined(_SHADOWS_CLIP) clip(base.a - UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(UnityPerMaterial, _Cutoff)); #endif 现在可以为透明材料提供修剪过的阴影,这适用于表面大部分是完全不透明或透明但需要alpha混合的物体。 请注意,裁剪的阴影不...
#if defined(SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK) && (UNITY_ALLOWED_MRT_COUNT > 4) float2 shadowUV = 0; #if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) shadowUV = i.lightmapUV; #endif output.gBuffer4 = UnityGetRawBakedOcclusions(shadowUV, i.worldPos.xyz); #endif 2.3使用阴影蒙版G-缓存 为了使我们的着色器和默认的延迟光照着色...
#if defined(SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK) && (UNITY_ALLOWED_MRT_COUNT > 4) float2 shadowUV = 0; #if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) shadowUV = i.lightmapUV; #endif output.gBuffer4 = UnityGetRawBakedOcclusions(shadowUV, i.worldPos.xyz); #endif 2.3使用阴影蒙版G-缓存 ...
Figure 02: Scripting Define Symbols are defined in Player Settings, under Other Settings. 程序集定义引用 Use GUIDs:该选项允许您按其GUID而不是名称来包含程序集,从而使您能够对它们进行重命名而不必更改引用。选择+符号可添加程序集。 Platforms:您的程序集定义可以设置为仅在某些平台上构建。请注意,如果要...
#if defined(UNITY_ASSUME_UNIFORM_SCALING) output.normal = mul((float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_M, input.normal); #else output.normal = normalize(mul(input.normal, (float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_I_M)); #endif 在拉伸球体上正确着色 4 反射探头 当没有其他反射探头可用时,skybox仅用于环境反射。你可以通过GameObject...
现象描述:Unity游戏发布成WebGl后,使用工具打包成华为快游戏后运行,提示AbortController is not defined 问题原因:对于unity发布的游戏来说,我们是区分不同unity版本的。对于unity2021.3版本我们是有限支持的,在unity2021.3版本上发布打包成快游戏后,确实报AbortController is not defined错误。当前我们支持 2018.3, 2018.4,...
float z = tex2D(_CameraDepthTexture, uv); # if defined(UNITY_REVERSED_Z) z = 1.0f - z; # endif 使用裁剪空间 如果要手动使用裁剪空间 (Z) 深度,则可能还需要使用以下宏来抽象化平台差异: float clipSpaceRange01 = UNITY_Z_0_FAR_FROM_CLIPSPACE(rawClipSpace); ...
Additionally WINDOWS_UWP and NETFX_CORE are defined when compiling C# files against .NET Core. UNITY_WINRT Same as UNITY_WSA. UNITY_WINRT_8_1 Equivalent to UNITY_WP_8_1 | UNITY_WSA_8_1. This is also defined when compiling against Universal SDK 8.1. UNITY_WINRT_10_0 Equivalent to ...