In the Build Settings dialog there is a check box called "Development Build". isDebugBuild的设置是在BuildSetting下的Development Build,我们在真机上进行Profiler性能调试的时候,都要使用Development Build版本。 而且logger还有一个好处是可以自定义TAG,这样可以更方便的Filter到我们想看的日志,默认Debug.Log都有...
In the Build Settings dialog there is a check box called "Development Build". 在"Build Settings" 对话框中有一个"Development Build"的选项。 If it is checked isDebugBuild will be true. In the editor isDebugBuild always returns true. It is recommended to remove all calls to Debug.Log when ...
( Dalvik Debug Monitor Server : DDMS ) ,点击左下角的“+”号,添加搜索。 弹出框内都输入Unity,确定。 真机上启动刚刚Build的APK,就可以看见输出的Debug信息。 补充,当项目中存在无数的Debug时,最终Release版本可以统一将其关闭输出。 来自:
在使用Must前需要using UnityEngine.Assertions.Must; 断言和Debug的区别: 比较明显的是: Unity对断言增加和封装了很多判断函数! unity在发布的时候分为:release build和debug前者发布会自动移除掉断言的,但是Log是要自己控制的!
Debug.Log("This is a debug build!"); } } } Unity 打包设置# 不管是通过Unity直接生成apk,还是导出android studio项目之后再生成apk,都需要加上BuildOptions.Development,就能保证导出的版本为development Copy BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(GetScenePaths(), outPath, tag, BuildOptions.Development );...
1,要打何种包-buildMode(debug/release/profiler) 2,要打包的场景-buildScene(本文以单场景打包为例,多场景无非就是传入列表再逐一读对应的配置文件再逐一打包) 3,对应场景的设置-sceneConfig 4,输出路径-outDir 5,何种目标平台-targetPlayForm(android/ios(xcode)/windows/…) ...
-buildWindows64Player <pathname>构建 64 位独立平台 Windows 播放器(例如,-buildWindows64Player path/to/your/build.exe)。 -createProject <pathname>在指定路径中创建一个空项目。 -debugCodeOptimization启用调试代码优化模式,覆盖会话的当前默认代码优化模式。
Log(type + ":" + size); }Allocation on ProfilerIn UnityEditor the profiler shows allocation of compiler generated AsyncStateMachine but it only occurs in debug(development) build. C# Compiler generates AsyncStateMachine as class on Debug build and as struct on Release build....
Next, you’ll note that the Build Configuration Type includes Debug, Master and Release options. This is in contrast to typical .NET applications, which include only Debug and Release. The Debug build is the slowest. It contains debugging information and also supports the Unity Profiler—a perfo...