概述 Unity 是一款干净、简约、可用于生产的仪表板 UI 套件,针对浅色或深色模式下的桌面和移动应用程序的各种用例 🔥Unity 通过 10 个预制模板(包括 90 多个链接的组件卡)帮助设计人员更快、更轻松地构思仪表板项目符号和全球风格指南。所有元素都可以通过覆盖完全编辑,或者如果您想构建自己的元素,您可以轻松解构它们。
(not enough ratings) (232) $119.99 Taxes/VAT calculated at checkout 67viewsin the past week License type: Single Entity Single Entity Recommended for individuals and small businesses. Multi Entity Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations. ...
Gamekit3D EasingCore - Simple easing implementation for Unity. Unity SemVer - A SemVer 2.0.0 implementation for Unity. MasterUnityHandles - Unity custom handles examples. Unity Mesh Triangulator - A modified version of alexmuab's unity-mesh-triangulator. Unity Rulers - A ruler editor to measur...
Download and install the Java Development Kit. As of writing version 8 works, 9 doesn't work! Get the OSIG signature of your android phone (https://dashboard.oculus.com/tools/osig-generator/) Please note that you need an Oculus account to acces the page, which is free (as in beer...
V. Testing the solution with the built in Store Test Kit Before we can send in the app, we need to do a Store Test on the app. Click PROJECT->Open Store Test Kit Run the automated tests to make sure the first test is passed (the XAP Package Requirements): ...
3)在[Agora.io注册](https://dashboard.agora.io/cn/signup/)注册账号,并创建自己的测试项目,获取到AppID。将AppID填写进HelloUnity3D.cs ```private static string appId = "YOUR APP ID";``` 4)在项目的根目录下,创建如下文件夹或路径: Assets/Plugins/Android/AgoraAudioKit.plugin/libs ...
[FIXED] SetDashboardOrientation now works properly. [FIXED] SendSocialNotification now works properly. [FIXED] Integration script now properly weak links UIKit and MapKit frameworks. [CHANGED] Allow Notifications in the Initialization Wizard defaults to on. [CHANGED] Integration script now checks for...
2. Download the latest version of Font Awesome (the new 5.2.0 is now released), Official GitHub page, https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/releases 3. Unzip the compressed font awesome archive, fontawesome-free-X.X.X-web.zip 4. Copy all files & folders to your dolphin templates...
(FREE) Typogenic - Signed-distance field text rendering for Unity. UnityStbEasyFont - A port of stb_easy_font.h to Unity/C#. Shapes UI Shapes Kit - Procedural shapes for Unity UI. Shapes2D - Make simple art assets quickly in Unity. ShapeRenderer Unity UI Polygon - Polygon renderer for...
Unity Analytics - Provides a dashboard with metrics to help track active players, sessions, retention, and revenue. Flurry Unity3D - Flurry iOS and Android plugin for Unity 3D. (Analytics) Simple Firebase Unity - Firebase Realtime-Database's REST API Wrapper for Unity in C#. Azure Services ...