First and foremost the custom tree importer needs trees to be imported as nested, hierarchical objects. Hierarchical setup of the tree In order to be able to calculate the influence of wind on the trunk, the branches and leaf planes the importer script has to know about the different parts ...
在JsonMapper这个类中,有 base_exporters_table 和 base_importers_table 这两个Dictionary,他们包含了LitJson内置的基本 Type 对应的序列化、反序列化规则,并且在JasonMapper的构造器中有 RegisterBaseImporters 和 RegisterBaseExporters 这两个函数负责去注册这些具体的导出导入规则行为。 同时还有 custom_exporters_table ...
usingSystem.IO;usingUnityEditor;usingUnityEngine;namespaceGame.Editor{publicclassCustomAssetImporter:AssetPostprocessor{privatevoidOnPreprocessTexture(){varimporter=assetImporterasTextureImporter;//设置Read/Write Enabled开关,不勾选importer.isReadable=false;// Assets/Artworks下是美术库的全部贴图,分门别类的设置...
AssetImporter.assetPath 资源路径 varassetPath: string Description描述 The path name of the asset for this importer (Read Only) 用于这个导入器,资源的路径名(只读)。 AssetImporter.GetAtPath 获取路径资源 static functionGetAtPath(path: string) : AssetImporter Description描述 Retrieves the asset importer for...
Custom自定义 ETC 纹理压缩配置。选择此选项时,将启用Fast、Normal和Best属性。这会映射到受支持平台的纹理导入器 (Texture Importer)中的Compressor Quality设置。 Fast定义用于快速压缩的压缩质量工具。 Normal定义用于正常压缩的压缩质量工具。 Best定义用于最佳压缩的压缩质量工具。
Polygon选择此值可根据 Sprite Editor 的Sprite Custom Outline中定义的网格来剪辑精灵纹理。 Packing Tag(按名称)指定要将此纹理打包到的精灵图集。仅当项目中已启用Legacy Sprite Packer时,此属性才可见。 Pixels Per Unity精灵图像中对应于世界空间一个距离单位的宽度/高度像素数。
[CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(Preview))] public class PreviewDrawer: PropertyDrawer { //调整整体高度 public override float GetPropertyHeight( SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label ) { return base.GetPropertyHeight( property, label ) + 64f; ...
protected override void Apply() { base.Apply(); // After the Importer is applied, rewrite the file with the custom value. for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++) { string path = ((AssetImporter)targets[i]).assetPath; File.WriteAllText(path, ((BooleanClass)extraDataTargets[i]).bo...
CustomAssets) { info.Processor(info.Asset, this); } CalculateAssetDependencyData - 计算所有 Asset的依赖数据 基础入参 源代码的 TypeDB GraphicsSettings 场景的LightSetting 获取Asset 的所包含的Objects 即为 该Asset引用的 Object;为该 Asset YAML 序列化中 !u![ClassID] 段所表示的 Object。 通过...
Texture2DArray Import Pipeline uses Unity'sScriptedImporter. ScriptedImporter allows to implement custom asset importers in C# for file formats not natively supported by Unity. Texture2DArray is natively supported by Unity, but has no import pipeline yet. What I created is a ScriptedImporter that ...