1.随机数的获取:Random.Range(0,array.Length);在0到array.Length-1之间随机取一个数。在数组(比如说,物品数组)myArray中随机取一个数(随机取一件物品): var index = Random.Range(0, myArray.Length); myArray[index]; 1. 2. 2.不同概率随机数的获取: function Choose(probs: float[]) { var tot...
by iterating through the items in sequence, making a random decision for each as to whether or not it gets added to the chosen set. As each item is visited, the probability of its being chosen is equal to the number of items still needed divided by the number still left to choose ...
Random Choose Random to spawn players at randomly chosen startPositions. Round Robin Choose Round Robin to cycle through startPositions in a set list. Registered Spawnable Prefabs Use this list to add prefabs that you want the Network Manager to be aware of, so that it can spawn them. You ...
Create a new 2D project and name it as you wish. Once the new project is ready, inside the Assets folder create a new folder called Images. Open this folder, right-click, choose Import new Asset and import the background.jpg image. Drag this image inside the Scene window and stretch it...
Editor Scripting can help you customize and extend the Unity editor to make it easier to use on your projects. This tutorial covers the basics of editor scripting, including building custom inspectors, gizmos, and other Editor windows.
Startup target: choose to Attach to Unity or Attach to Unity and Play. Display of multi-dimensional arrays in the debugger. Handle new Unity Player debugging ports. Handle references to new Unity assemblies like Unity's 4.6 GUI assemblies. Deconstructs closures to properly display local variables...
Enable/disable Hierarchy overlay, choose allowed information Enable/disable Project icons or/and assign own directories Enable/disable Toolbox drawers or/and assign custom drawers Enable/disable Toolbox Scene View and assign hotkeys Important This package is fully IMGUI-based, which means it may con...
5. We’ll now define our functions. Our random number generator, Random, will never return 1.0. If you need 1.0 to be a possibility, remove +1 from the denominator. DllExportvoidSeedRandomizer(){ srand((unsignedint)time(0)); }DllExportintDieRoll(intsides){return(rand() % sides) +1; ...
{//Wait for tauntDelay number of seconds.yieldreturnnewWaitForSeconds(tauntDelay);//If there is no clip currently playing.if(!audio.isPlaying) {//Choose a random, but different taunt.tauntIndex =TauntRandom();//Play the new taunt.audio.clip =taunts[tauntIndex]; ...
{//Wait for tauntDelay number of seconds.yieldreturnnewWaitForSeconds(tauntDelay);//If there is no clip currently playing.if(!audio.isPlaying) {//Choose a random, but different taunt.tauntIndex =TauntRandom();//Play the new taunt.audio.clip =taunts[tauntIndex]; ...