Debug.LogWarning ("This only supports files that are stored using Unity's Application data path. \nTo load bundled resources use 'Resources.Load(\"filename\") typeof(AudioClip)' method. \n"); return null; } byte[] fileBytes = ...
9 AssetBundle assetBundle = AssetBundle.CreateFromFile(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Audio.assetbundle"); 10 11 //添加 Audio Source 组件 12 _audioSource = this.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>(); 13 14 //加载 Audio Clip 对象 15 AudioClip audioClip = assetBundle.Load("sound", typeof(...
Audio ClipAudio Clips contain the audio data used by Audio Sources. Unity supports mono, stereo and multichannel audio assets (up to eight channels). The audio file formats that Unity can import are .aif, .wav, .mp3, and .ogg. Unity can also import tracker modules in the .xm, .mod, ...
AudioClip class in UnityEngine / Inherits from:Audio.AudioResource / Implemented in:UnityEngine.AudioModule Leave feedback Switch to Manual Description A container for audio data. An AudioClip stores the audio file either compressed as ogg vorbis or uncompressed. AudioClips are referenced and use...
Inherits from:Networking.DownloadHandler Description DownloadHandler的一个子类,专用于下载将用作AudioClip对象的音频数据。 DownloadHandlerAudioClip 会将收到的数据存储在预分配的 UnityAudioClip对象中。它已在从 Web 服务器下载音频数据方面进行了优化,可在工作线程上对音频数据进行解压和解码。
{if(audioClip ==null)returnnull;returnWavUtility.FromAudioClip(audioClip); }publicvoidSave(stringpath,stringfilename) { Save(audioClip,path,filename); }publicvoidSave(AudioClip clip,stringpath,stringfilename) {if(clip ==null) { Debug.Log("clip is null,can't be saved");return; ...
if (au.clip == null) return; au.mute = false; au.loop = false; au.Play(); tTip.text += "\n播放录音..."; } public void WavFromClip(string WavPosition, AudioClip clip) { if (Microphone.IsRecording(null)) return; Microphone.End(null); using (FileStream fs = CreateEmpty(WavPositio...
opensource: Lame unity port from Wav save script from Supported OS Tested only on windows and android, but should work on any platform Link to documentation
Audio Source(音频源)使用Audio Clip(音频剪辑),代表该音频资源已经导入到Unity。Unity同时支持单声道和立 体声音频资源。 The Audio Clip Inspector Audio Clips just work. The only thing you s hould have to do with them is reference them from within Audio ...
AudioListener 所有的 API 都支持 AudioClip WebGL 总是将音频剪辑压缩格式设置为 ACC,因为该格式在浏览器支持比较广泛。 支持的属性: length loadState samples 支持的方法: AudioClip.Create :部分支持,传递给该方法的 stream 参数必须为 false,并且调用时整个音频已经加载完成; ...