如果专家用户使用原生平台技术(例如 Java/Android、Objective C/iOS 或 Windows Win32/UWP)并希望在其游戏或应用程序中包含 Unity 支持的功能,则可以使用专门为此设计的“Unity 用作库”(Unity as a Library)。
曾经跑通了安卓和iOS的Unity做为库集成到Native项目的流程,后来加入新公司,又基于2018版的Unity集成过一次,iOS用PBX脚本方式集成的,Android是自己写的Copy脚本完成的,最近发现2019.3Unity已经完美支持了Unity as a Library,所以尝试了一下,里面还是又很多坑,不过磨磨时间都是可以FIX的。
Unity as a Library を使用すると、拡張現実(AR)、3D/2D リアルタイムレンダリング、2D ミニゲームなど、Unity で開発した機能を、ネイティブモバイルアプリケーションに直接挿入できます。
Using Unity as a Library in other applications Unity as a Library is intended for specialist users who use native platform technologies such as Java/Android, Objective C/iOS,... Using WebGL templates unityInstance.SendMessage(objectName, methodName, value) The SendMessage method sends messages to...
You point Unity to a folder structure and it opens the folder as a project. Projects contain Assets, Library, ProjectSettings, and Temp folders, but the only one that shows up in the interface is the Assets folder, which you can see in Figure 4. The Assets folder contains all your ...
Unity adds a thin wrapper around this library to support custom actions and distributes that with MonoDevelop, as shown in Figure 2. The plug-in can launch Unity or just connect over a port to talk to the soft debugger (to check out the code, see the GitHub project at bit.ly/1zY6K2...
UniTask is a superset of Awaitable and includes many essential features. For library development, where you want to avoid external dependencies, using Awaitable as a return type for methods would be appropriate. Awaitable can be converted to UniTask using AsUniTask, so there's no issue in ...
The platform-specific library is placed in Assets\Plugins\<Platform> \YourPlugin.dll (the platform can be Windows 8.x, iOS, Windows Phone 8 and so on). If you have a reason to create one yourself as opposed to downloading one of the many already available, ch...
Unity Movement AI - A library of common movement AI scripts known as Steering Behaviors. You can use these scripts to help your NPCs move around your game. Openpath - Open source pathfinding for Unity. Unity Path Finding - Shortest path finding with Dijkstra's algorithm for Unity. NPBehave ...
dbutils.library.restartPython() 下列程式碼顯示自動推斷簽章的範例。 Python複製 fromsklearnimportdatasetsfromsklearn.ensembleimportRandomForestClassifierwithmlflow.start_run():# Train a sklearn model on the iris datasetX, y = datasets.load_iris(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True) ...