muteOtherAudioSourcesStops or allows audio from other applications to play in the background while your Unity application is running. productName商品名 protectGraphicsMemoryプロテクトグラフィックメモリ resizableWindowスタンドアロンプレイヤービルドでウィンドウのサイズ変更を可能にします。
loss if the app is terminated.This event corresponds to the following callbacks on the different platforms: - iOS: [UIApplicationDelegate applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning] - Android: onLowMemory() and onTrimMemory(level == TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL)Here is an example of handling the callback...
The Unity Profiler is where you want to kick off your optimization process and will likely spend most of your time. It measures the performance of the Unity Editor, your application in Play mode, and connects to the device running your application in Development mode. This content is hosted...
usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingAws.GameLift.Server;usingUnityEngine;publicclassServerSDKManualTest:MonoBehaviour{//This example is a simple integration that initializes a game server process//that is running on an Amazon GameLift Anywhere fleet.voidStart(){//Identify port number (hard coded here...
cue-3660-41c>show software licensesCore: - application mode:CCME- total usable system ports:4Voicemail/Auto Attendant: - max system mailbox capacity time: 6000 - max general delivery mailboxes: 5 - max personal mailboxes:12Languages: - max installed languages: 1 - max...
Combine(Application.temporaryCachePath, "GSIMapImages")); private const string mapMaterialPath = "Packages/com.synesthesias.plateau-unity-sdk/Materials/MapUnlitMaterial.mat"; private const string mapMaterialDir = "Packages/com.synesthesias.plateau-unity-sdk/Materials"; private const string mapMaterial...
show running-config の出力では,次の内容が確認できます. q fax interface-type fax-mail q OffRamp ソフトウェアを,Flash 内または FTP/TFTP サーバ上にロードする必要があります .続いてアプリケーションを設定します.たとえば,call application voice offramp flash:app_faxmail_offramp.2.0....
開発初期であれば実装優先度が低いこともあり、あまり問題にはならないかと思います。もし必要に迫られた場合は、エディタで実行した場合用の仮の値やデフォルト値を設定するとよいでしょう。 またマルチシーンで動作するため、既にマルチシーンで実装が進んでいる場合、シーンの管理が難しくな...
IO.Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, NodeScriptPath); IsInitialized = true; } } void Awake() { Context = SynchronizationContext.Current; isRunning = false; SetFullPath(); Run(); } void OnApplicationQuit() { if (process_ != null && !process_.HasExited) { process_.Kill(); ...
Combine(Application.temporaryCachePath, "GSIMapImages")); private const string mapMaterialPath = "Packages/com.synesthesias.plateau-unity-sdk/Materials/MapUnlitMaterial.mat"; private const string mapMaterialDir = "Packages/com.synesthesias.plateau-unity-sdk/Materials"; private const string mapMaterial...