确认Animator Controller是否已分配,并且打开Animator Controller查看是否包含所需动画。 检查Animator.Play的代码调用是否正确,包括参数传递: 确保你调用Animator.Play的代码位置正确,通常是在某个事件触发时(如按钮点击、碰撞检测等)。 检查传递给Animator.Play的参数是否正确,包括动画状态名称(string类型)和层名称(可选,...
rightFeetBottomHeight:获取右脚底部高度函数定义:public float rightFeetBottomHeight; 代码示例: using UnityEngine; public class AnimationEventExample : MonoBehaviour { Animator animator; private void Start() { animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); } //模型的Rig选项卡的Animation Type需设置为 Humanoid,Animat...
animator.Play("Player_LeftMove");}else if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyRIGHT)){animator.SetTrigger("Right");animator.Play("Player_RightMove");}}// 丧尸 Shader 12 unity2D的精灵移动已经播放相应 站立 移动 的动画然后发现这样做会造成代码冗余以及效率低下,然后在网络上面找到这样一个方法。h = Input.Get...
public Animator currentAnimator; void Update() { if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) { currentAnimator.Play("attack_1"); } } 如果想要可以两次,使用如下代码: public Animator currentAnimator; void Update() { if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) ...
animator怎么..如果是连线 把动画设置为Entry直接连到的状态 是可以播放 但是代码用Play方法 可以看见有进度条 但是Game面板没有变化
public Animator currentAnimator; void Update() { if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) { currentAnimator.Play("attack_1"); } } 如果想要可以两次,使用如下代码: public Animator currentAnimator; void Update() { if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) ...
因为从 Animator.Play 脚本中选择了 Bounce,所以不需要过渡。但从 Bounce 返回到 Rest 却要有过渡。此处勾选了 Has Exit Time 以确保 Bounce 持续一秒钟。将此脚本附加到需要生成动画的 GameObject。 using UnityEngine;// Press the space key in Play Mode to switch to the Bounce state.public class Move...
thatanimator animation assets Sword Animations Set 1 (7) $7 Add to Cart Quick Look Red Deer PolyArt Female (not enough ratings) $10 Add to Cart Quick Look Quad-arrow HQ Fighting Animation Vol.7 (not enough ratings) $35 Add to Cart Quick Look WM_Animset Twinblades_Expansion (7) $19.99...
Add completion and validation of animation state names in Animator.Play methods (RIDER-17449, #1982) Add gutter icons to show Burst compiled methods (#1995) Add context actions to show call tree for performance critical, expensive and Burst compiled methods (RIDER-35169, #1995) Rider: Add Code...