Auto Refresh Enable this setting to import Assets automatically as they change. Import Worker Count % Enter your Desired Import Worker Count for new projects in percentage of available logical CPU cores. For example, if your system has 16 logical cores and this preference is set to 25%, the ...
1 首先,点击菜单中的edit菜单,弹出了下拉菜单选中为preferences选项 2 去掉勾选上auto refresh选项 3 去掉勾选上auto refresh选项之后,会自动保存设置的
DisallowAutoRefresh (); 描述 递增Unity 用于确定是否允许自动 AssetDatabase 刷新行为的内部计数器。Unity 在内部将此方法和对应的 AssetDatabase.AllowAutoRefresh 一起使用,以防止在某些操作过程中发生自动刷新。例如,Unity 的版本控制集成使用它来防止在获取新变更集时发生自动刷新。如果要构建自己的编辑器工具,...
Syntax highlighting and auto-complete for shader files.Support for assembly definition filesEdit Unity Assembly Definition (.asmdef) files directly in Visual Studio with keyword coloring and completions.Automatically refresh Unity assetsSpend less time switching back and forth between Unity and Visual ...
Preference-General-AutoRefresh (2021版本以后在Preference-AssetPipeline-AutoRefresh) 关闭以后导入或者更改了资源需要按CTRL+R手动刷新 禁用域重载/场景重载 Project Setting-Editor-EnterPlayModeOption 可以选择关闭Domain Realod/Scene Reload 实测关闭Domain Realod后play基本可以做到秒开 具体关闭的影响可以看官方文档:...
Refresh Unity Assets By default, Unity is set to automatically refresh assets (you can change this in the Unity Editor withUnity Preferences | General | Auto Refresh). If you use Unity in conjunction with Rider, the auto-refresh is triggered in two cases:...
Say Scene Objects Wireframe, Load NavMesh, Toggle Auto Refresh and so on.ContributingThis project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actu...
Syntax highlighting and auto-complete for shader files.Support for assembly definition filesEdit Unity Assembly Definition (.asmdef) files directly in Visual Studio with keyword coloring and completions.Automatically refresh Unity assetsSpend less time switching back and forth between Unity and Visual ...
Syntax highlighting and auto-complete for shader files.Support for assembly definition filesEdit Unity Assembly Definition (.asmdef) files directly in Visual Studio with keyword coloring and completions.Automatically refresh Unity assetsSpend less time switching back and forth between Unity and Visual ... 下载完成后将按照下图中的路径找到Plugins目录和SQLite 导入到项目的Assets目录下 SQLite文件是对底层的一些封装,在后续操作中我们只需要在SQLite基础上进行操作即可 另外一个操作就是将DataService.cs导入到工程,这个操作其实是不一定是必要的,根据自己喜好。