['unitree_sdk2py','unitree_sdk2py.*']), description='Unitree robot sdk version 2 for python', project_urls={ "Source Code": "https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_sdk2_python", }, python_requires='>=3.8', install_requires=[ "cyclonedds==0.10.2", "numpy", "opencv-python", ...
cd~sudo apt install python3-pip git clone https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_sdk2_python.gitcdunitree_sdk2_python pip3 install -e. FAQ 1. Error whenpip3 install -e .: Could not locate cyclonedds. Try tosetCYCLONEDDS_HOME or CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ...
You can refer toexample/cmake_sampleon how to import the unitree_sdk2 into your CMake project. Note that if you install the library to other places other than/opt/unitree_robotics, you need to make sure the path is added to "${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}" so that cmake can find it with ...
安装并编译 [unitree_sdk2](https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_sdk2),务必先把机器人悬挂起来,然后终端运行测试例程: 安装并编译 [unitree_sdk2](https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_sdk2),务必先把机器人**悬挂起来**,然后终端运行测试例程: ```bash h1_2_ankle_track network_interface ...
> **Warning:** CycloneDDS ROS2 RMW may conflict with unitree_sdk2. If you cannot launch unitree mujoco simulation without `sudo`, then you cannot used `unitree_mujoco_hardware`. You can switch to gazebo, or tried to solve the conflict by uninstall CycloneDDS ROS2 RMW. > **Warning:**...
unitree_sdk2 Unitree robot sdk version 2. Prebuild environment OS (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) CPU (aarch64 and x86_64) Compiler (gcc version 9.4.0) Installation sudo ./install.sh Build examples mkdir build cd build cmake .. make Notice For more reference information, please go to Unitree Documen...
lib aarch64 libunitree_sdk2.a x86_64 libunitree_sdk2.a 6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions 6 include/unitree/common/json/jsonize.hpp Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ #define __UT_JSONIZE_HPP__ #define JN_FROM_WEAK(m, name, valu...
length() - 2); } } else { key = arg.substr(2); value = ""; } args.insert({{key, value}}); } } unitree::robot::ChannelFactory::Instance()->Init(0, args["network_interface"]); unitree::robot::g1::LocoClient client; client.Init(); client.SetTimeout(10.f); for (const ...
@@ -16,6 +16,14 @@ target_link_libraries(h1_low_level_example unitree_sdk2) add_executable(h1_27dof_example low_level/h1_27dof_example.cpp) target_link_libraries(h1_27dof_example unitree_sdk2) add_executable(g1_low_level_example low_level/g1_29dof_example.cpp) target_link_libraries...
The original C++ based SDK: unitree_lidar_sdk The package for parsing and publishing LiDAR data in the ROS environment: unitree_lidar_ros The package for parsing and publishing LiDAR data in the ROS2 environment: unitree_lidar_ros2 2. Coordinate System Definition The coordinate system of this ...