The United States of America is a country in North America. It is the primary setting for all of The Walking Dead (with the exception of The Alien and Typhoon), and a major part of Fear the Walking Dead. It was bordered to the south and the north by territories formerly known as the...
The United States of America (USA) is a country depicted in the Deus Ex series. The United States is a setting in many titles in the series, including most of the games. The slide into authoritarianism began in the early 21st century, building on the exp
, commonly known as America, the United States, USA, or U.S., is a federal constitutional country of fifty states in North America. In 2020, the U.S. Government dispatched a military intervention to theLingshan Islandsafter learning North Korean forces occupied the archipelago for dormant alien...
The United States Army was a branch of the United States Armed Forces, under the management of the United States Department of the Army.[1] The first known example of the Army acting in this capacity came in 2051, when the United States began exerting pr
Fallout Category From the introduction: We, the citizens of the Enclave, who do believe in the Enclave as the legal continuation of United States of America, rule that we will do everything that our country, its government, or citizens may need to achieve our goal of resurrecting the United...
We present a formal analysis of the macroeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S., China and the rest of the world. Given the uncertainty rega