納瓦羅是對海神煉油廠和英克雷軍事基地所處地域的統稱,它位於舊金山北部的海岸線上。在2281年時,納瓦羅已經成為NCR的領土。 在大戰開始之前,納瓦羅就一直是將海神鑽井平台開採出來的石油進行提煉的工業基地。在政府資助下,英克雷緊鄰著石油設施建立了軍事基地,一同建立
Maps Local map Boston was the capital city of the former state of Massachusetts in the New England Commonwealth until the nuclear holocaust of 2077. The downtown core of Boston is one of the most chaotic areas featured in the Fallout series. The streets are fought over between various ...
Once you discover a location, you can use your map to fast travel back to it. Normally, you must be outside to do so, but there are exceptions. To enter and exit the Institute, simply fast travel to and from using the map. This ability is only available if you stay in the ...
2286年4月,科尔特(Colter)与二把手波特·加吉(Porter Gage)率领核子世界掠夺者(Nuka-World raiders)三大帮派血徒帮(The Disciples)、惑心帮(The Operators)和战狼帮(The Pack)一同占领了核子城(Nuka-Town),一些掠夺者(Raider)还攻进了银河区(Galactic Zone),肯德尔(Kendell)率领手下奋力反击,将掠夺者(Raider)击退。
Exclusive maps detailing the New Vegas world!Complete coverage of every main mission adventure as well as all side quests and encounters.Every collectible catalogued and located so you won't miss any.Pull out poster map of the huge New Vegas landscape with points of interest, main sights, and...
Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy and tectonics of eastern Bella Coola map area, southwest British Columbia These rocks are correlated with the Monarch volcanic rocks widespread to the southeast, lie nonconformably on Early Cretaceous plutons, and are interpreted to be deposited onto older plutonic suites....
[ Read: US Nuclear Target Map Nuclear Radiation Shielding Protection Geiger Counters – Radiation Detector Choices Potassium Iodide Tablets For Radiological Emergencies Rule Of Three – Survival Priorities And Decision Making
depicted in this now declassified Map 'B' below. The important thing to recognize in the charts above is that here in the Northern Hemisphere, via upper wind Prevailing Westerlies, anything unleashed to the west of the USA could be coming here next. In a future event, if not huge and/...
Fallout 76 Glitches: Master the Wasteland with These Essential Game Twists Updated:October 14, 2023byNathan Fusco Fallout 76 glitches are legendary, but most of them have been patched. Fallout 76 immerses players in a dynamic online multiplayer […] ...
I'm adding some new signs to my signs and posters mod for an upcoming release, and one of the things I'm adding (prompted by a user request) are some religious signage. The request was for one specific one, but I like to be inclusive, so I was looking to