September 28, 2024 Civil society groups nudge and cajole world leaders from the sidelines of United Nations week Every September, a crush of events unfold on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, the annual high-level meetings of world leaders in New York. September 28, 2024...
UNITED NATIONS United Nations Environment Programme UNEP/PP/INC.3/4 Distr.: General 4 September 2023 Original: English Intergovernmental negotiating committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment Third session Nairobi, 13–19 ...
otherrightsandexistinginternationallaw”Nations,2021a).Allthisisexpectedto (paragraph2)andaffirmsthatitspromotionfeatureprominentlyintheSummitforthe “requiresthefullimplementationoftheFutureinSeptember2024.2Aspartofthese multilateralenvironmentalagreementsbroaderefforts,newinitiativeshavebeen undertheprinciplesofinternation...
Excellencies, 53 years ago, on the 21st of September, 1971, a small Himalayan kingdom was admitted to the United Nations. On that day, after centuries of self-imposed isolation, Bhutan became the 128th member of the United Nations. It was a defining moment for us. It was a defining ...
Cooperation and Development, Sovereignty, Statism, United Nations, tagged European Union, International bureaucracy, International Monetary Fund, Jurisdictional Competition, OECD, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Sovereignty, Statism, United Nations on September 27, 2019| 26 Comments ...
America's No. 3 spot in the annual U.S. News project is a high-water mark, but comes as nearly half of survey respondents see a negative global impact from a potential Trump presidency. Elliott Davis Jr.Sept. 10, 2024 South Korea Says It Agreed With U.S. to Swiftly Resolve 'Sensitiv...
be[cause it could be] used…to justify surveillance…and infring[e] on digital rights…One key concern…[i]s a clause that would allow [signatory] nations…to request data on [anything they choose to label a “]serious crime[” regardless of the act’s legal statu]s in other nations...
Mr. President, with regard to economic and financial matters, the 2024 report of the United Nations on sustainable development underscores once again the urgency for mobilizing massive funding in order to plug the financing gap in the economy aimed at several billion dollars. This is a reality. ...
October 15, 2024 UN extends Kenya-led force to tackle gangs in Haiti, but sidelines call for UN peacekeepers October 1, 2024 US backs 2 permanent seats for African nations on the UN Security Council September 13, 2024 The Russia-US divide was on display during Moscow’s monthlong ...
“Watch and Pray, as Nations begin to Realign, for the Day of Righteous Reckoning has surely begun for NATO Nations that have run out of time!” says The LORD! Continue reading → Prophecy United Kingdom12 Replies Revival Passion! February 3, 2025 Chris G. Bennett “I AM about to ...